ABRA Boerne Club Tournament Results 03 25 2017


New member
I have to say you had to been on your A game today. I think San Angelo crew brought the West Texas winds with them.
It was doing some crazy stuff down range,

Thank you to all you who made the drive to come and join us for our club tournament. We had a full crew and it was great to see all of you.
Ron, Les, and Erin we really appreciate all of your help with scoring and hanging targets.

Congratulations to all of the winners!
Les Williams 1st Place in the unlimited class shooting an agg of 193.667
Ken Finley 1st Place in the factory class shooting an agg of 185.83
Darek Biggs 1st Place in Jr unlimited class shooting an agg of 184.83
Allen Taylor Overall High Card Winner in unlimited class with a 196
Ken Finley Overall High Card Winner in factory class with a 191.

Unlimited Class High Cards
Bobby Starr Target 1 194
Lisa Chacon Target 2 195
Evelio McDonald Target 3 195
Allen Taylor Target 4 196
Les Williams Target 5 195
Joe Chacon Target 6 195

Factory Class High Cards
Ken Finley Target 1 185, Target 3 184, Target 4 191, Target 6 189
David Russell Target 2 184
Brian Vincent Target 6 186

Jr Unlimited

Darek Biggs High Card Target 2 192

Unlimited Ranking
1st Les Williams
2nd Mel Disharoon
3rd Lisa Chacon
4th Allen Taylor
5th Joe Chacon
6 Evelio McDonald

Factory Ranking
1st Ken Finley
2nd David Russell
3rd Brian Vincent
4th Ron Herring
5th David Strothers
6 Jim Swaringin

Thanks again for making a great match!

Lisa, Joe and Luke
Look like you folks had another great tournament. I only wish I lived closer.

Congratulations to all who shot.

Dave Shattuck
Look like you folks had another great tournament. I only wish I lived closer.

Congratulations to all who shot.

Dave Shattuck

Hi Dave, It was definitely a good time, of course when one wins it makes it extra special, but I'd be enjoying myself no matter what place I came in. We had folks from all over Texas plus a couple from Louisiana make the trip. I've been shooting 22LR benchrest, ARA AND IR50/50 for the last 8 years and have to say I'm finding the change shooting these 10/22's refreshing. There's so many of these 10/22's out there and with a factory class one can start out and shoot it and move up to the unlimited if they wish.
I plan on going the opposite direction actually do both starting next year. Got my eye on winning me one of those belt buckles that they give away each year for the different classes. They are really nice.
Calling all 10/22 shooters get those little pea shooters out of the closet and get your friends together and do some benchrest shooting. I guarantee you'll have a great time and it's something you can get the whole family involved in.
