ABRA Boerne 02.25.2018


New member
Yesterday ended up being a beautiful day to be at the range.

Boerne started off the season strong yesterday with members coming from San Angelo, Lampasas, and Allen Texas.

We had a couple of new shooters as well joining us for our 1st match of the season.

David Russell took the 1st place in the factory class shooting high cards on target #2 181, target # 3 184 and target #4 187 total aggregate of 182.75
Ron Herring came in 2nd place taking high card on Target #1 with a 186. Total aggregate was 181.00
David Strother took 3rd place shooting an overall aggregate of 16.50

Youth Unlimited :

Samantha Peterson came in 1st place taking high card on target 1 190. target 2 189, target 3 191 and target 4 189 aggregate of 189.75
Gracie Collins came in 2nd place her cards were 189,187,184,182 for overall aggregate of 185.50
New Shooter Andrew Krober came in 3rd place shooting 185,189,188,178 for overall aggregate of 185.00


Mel Disharoon took 1st place taking high card on 3 198, and 4 199 overall aggregate of 194.50
Allen Taylor took 2nd place taking high card on target 2 195 overall aggregate of 193.50
Luke Restivo came in 3rd place taking high card on target 1 195 overall aggregate of 193.25

Thank you all for coming and joining us, we look forward to seeing everyone again at our next match in March which will be a club tournament.
6 cards and double points. Hope you can make it!
