ABRA Belton South Carolina Results 07.06.2019


New member
Congratulations to the Winners of the Belton South Carolina club match July 6 2019.
Billy Hudson placed 1st in the Outlaw Heavy Barrel taking high card on T1-94, T2-197,T3-193 for an aggregate of 194.25
woody Smith placed 2nd taking high card on T4-196 for an aggregate of 189.75
Melvin Ferguson placed 3rd with an aggregate of 178.25
Wade Haley took 1st place in the Outlaw Lite Barrel taking high card on T1-189,T2-183,T187 with an overall aggregate of 183.75.
Scott Bullion took 2nd place with an aggregate of 172.25
Walter Smith took 3rd place taking high card on T3-176 with an aggregate of 171.50
Steve Nicholas took 1st place in the Unlimited Class taking high card on T1-87,T4-187 aggregate of 183.25
Tony Greenway place 2nd taking high card on T2-187,T3-185 for an aggregate of 180.00
Dave Eisensch took 3rd with an aggregate of 166.75.
John Joseph took 1st place in the Factory Class with an aggregate of 180.25 taking high card on T1-182,T3-183
Justin Fortson took 2nd place with an aggregate of 179.00 taking high card on T2-181,T3-180
John Joseph III took 3rd with an aggregate of 169.25
Seth Ferguson shot Outlaw Heavy Barrel in the youth division
ending with an aggregate of 180.75.
Great shooting everyone!
