ABRA Auto Bench Rest Association – YouTube - San Angelo Gun Club


Les Williams
Wanted to share a You Tube Video that was done by members of the San Angelo Gun Club, San Angelo, TX. to promote Rimfire Benchrest. Want to recognize Paul Dyer and Ron Herring, couple of the really good guys in this sport who are passionate about it and have taken the time to make this video. This video is specific to ABRA, the newest game on the block for sanctioned rimfire benchrest and is based on semi-auto 22’s. What’s unique about ABRA it has a factory class so it’s inexpensive to jump in and yet if you have the skills to be competitive you have the chance to be a winner quickly. The unlimited class is no different than some of the other sanctioned 22 disciplines, ARA, IR50/50, for the equipment is higher end and the competition in general more experienced. Note that they also host IR50/50 matches.

Here’s the link to the video.

Here’s the link to the San Angelo Gun Club and if you live in that area of West Texas you should pay them a visit and who knows this may be something that you’d enjoy and especially if you have children and or grandkids be an excellent chance to show them the enjoyment of rifle shooting yet not break the bank.

ABRA link for other clubs in the US.

Les Williams

Wanted to share a You Tube Video that was done by members of the San Angelo Gun Club, San Angelo, TX. to promote Rimfire Benchrest. Want to recognize Paul Dyer and Ron Herring, couple of the really good guys in this sport who are passionate about it and have taken the time to make this video. This video is specific to ABRA, the newest game on the block for sanctioned rimfire benchrest and is based on semi-auto 22’s. What’s unique about ABRA it has a factory class so it’s inexpensive to jump in and yet if you have the skills to be competitive you have the chance to be a winner quickly. The unlimited class is no different than some of the other sanctioned 22 disciplines, ARA, IR50/50, for the equipment is higher end and the competition in general more experienced. Note that they also host IR50/50 matches.

Here’s the link to the video.

Here’s the link to the San Angelo Gun Club and if you live in that area of West Texas you should pay them a visit and who knows this may be something that you’d enjoy and especially if you have children and or grandkids be an excellent chance to show them the enjoyment of rifle shooting yet not break the bank.

ABRA link for other clubs in the US.

Les Williams

THANK You Les and the Guys that put this together