ABRA Arkansas State Tournament Results 09.14.2019


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ABRA Arkansas State Tournament Results 09.14.2019 Rimfire Ridge:

Congratulations to: Fred Sears, Joe Chacon, John Laseter, Darek Biggs for their 1st place wins in the ABRA Arkansas State Tournament.

Outlaw Heavy:
1st - Fred Sears aggregate of 197.00 target total of 1182 taking high card on t2-196, t3-199, t4-198, t5-198
2nd - Jim Sullivan aggregate of 193.17 target total of 1159
3rd - Larry McGill aggregate of 191.83 target total of 1151 taking high card on T1-198
Paul Est took high card on T6-196

Outlaw Light John Laseter aggregate of 175.00 target total of 1050

1st - Joe Chacon target total of 1168 aggregate of 194.68 high cards on t1-195, t2-200, t5-197
2nd- Mark Demarest target total of 1159 aggregate of 193.18 high card on t3-196
3rd - Lisa Chacon target total of 1159 aggregate of 193.17 taking high card on t3-196

1st- John Laseter aggregate of 176.00 target total of 1056 high card t1-172,t2-181,t3-179-t4-168,t5-173,t6-183
2nd - Darin Biggs aggregate of 156.00 target total of 936
3rd- Darren Brewster aggregate of 149.00 target total 894

Youth Unlimited:
1st - Darek Biggs aggregate of 190.17 target total 1141 high card on t1-191, t4-191,t5-189,t6-191
2nd - Gracie Collins aggregate of 187.85 target total of 1127 high card on t2-190,t3-191

Youth Outlaw Heavy:
Evan East target total of 1151 aggregate of 191.83

We had a great time, thank you Fred Sears and Brian Collins.
Congrats again to our winners!
