A Public Thank You, Electronic Scoring



I want to take this opportunity to thank Jeff Block for including targets in his TDS software that emulate the WRABF target on 8.5' X 11" paper. Anyone that follows the ARA/PSL rimfire matches knows that electronic scoring is a reality. It does require something more than a plug but the ease, speed and accuracy makes up for it. Those that are searching for a better pellet by shooting groups will appreciate this all the more.

If you want to try something different over the winter, give this a try.
All our airrifle matches in South Africa are scored electronicly, including League matches, Open championships and our National championship. All targets are scanned after the match and the speed and accuracy of the program is a pleasure - since we started with True Score more than a year ago have never looked back.
I’ve been both indirectly and directly involved with Jeff Block (OnTarget-TDS-Electronic Scoring) for nearly 6 years now. I’ve watched it grow from a relatively simple tool for plotting shots and measuring groups to a more sophisticated program that can output accuracy statistics more robust than group ES and automatically score BR targets. Along the way I’ve made a couple of great friendships with Jeff Block and Dan Killough as Jeff improved the software and then later worked with Dan to develop the ARA/PSL scoring software.

IMO, the learning curve to become familiar with this program isn’t all that great and the benefits far outweigh the time needed to use it successfully.

If anyone decides to play with this program and has questions concerning its usefulness for testing, I may be able to offer some suggestions and/or explain how to best benefit from it.
If you have questions concerning installation or reliable operation, those questions would be best answered by Jeff through his web site or blog.

Like Steve, I urge everyone to give it a shot (pun intended) LOL
