A Personal and a Business Decision

William Smith

New member
I wish to join Mr. Calfee and Mr. Stiller in stating that, "I will work on no rifle, what-so -ever, other than my own, especially since I'm not a gunsmith by trade! That being said as the "Business" portion of my edict. The "Personal" portion is that as the Match Director of the "Crawfish Shoot" I will not allow any discrimination as to firing pin location on any rifle that meets all of the rules as they pertain to the classifications described in the IR50/50 rule book! So bring on your out-dated 12:00, your new 6:00, your 12:00 and 6:00, and/or the new secretly developed 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 firing pin versions of your favorite .22 cal. rifles and join us for the Florida State IR50/50 Championship. As a reminder, I need a good head count for food and tent space assignment. Thanks for letting me clear my conscious and taking the load off my shoulders, I feel better now. See you in 29 days and a wake-up! Thumper
Hey Thumper
I like to eat at 9:00 12:00 and 6:00 because it gives me good consistant ignition. Is that possible at the match?
See you Friday.
Wow, You Da Man!
Thanks for clearing that subject up, had me worried for a while. I've been crying in my Rice Crispies ever since I heard the word that 12:00 ignition was dead forever. Maybe I can talk one of the other EXCELLENT gunsmiths we have, to work on my 4 BC rifles if ever the need arises. Even "White Feather"! Can't wait until I head East in 27 days, look forward to having a good time with all my friends that have 12:00 ignition.
Hey Thumper
I like to eat at 9:00 12:00 and 6:00 because it gives me good consistant ignition. Is that possible at the match?
See you Friday.
I thought that caused constipation
First I was thinking how can I keep up with Gordon at the picnic table. Now Don says it will be troublesome if I do. Darn, I love Crawfish....so what is it consistent ignition or persistent constipation? bob
In answer to the many questions recieved by phone, E-mail, USPS, UPS, FEDEX, and smoke signal, I offer the following:
Gordon, due to the superior time management you requested, we can make that happen. All relays are timed at 30 minutes, so depending on which relay and bench you draw, there will always be at least a 30 minute interval.
Don, constipation only occurs when there is no consistent ignition, no matter where the firing pin strikes.
Bob, consistent ignition is the cure for constipation, however, you might find yourself sitting alone at the first emission of bodily noises after the firing pin strike! Thumper

If I need a new rifle built, and only have a 12:00 ignition bolt for my Turbo, would you still be willing to build it for me? I'm not above begging! Heck, I'd even bring you a liverwurst and onion sammich, if you wanted.

If you are still willing to work on rifles with 12:00 ignition, maybe you should go on that other site and let the shooters over there know that. You could pick up some extra business (not that you're not busy enough already) from all the shooters that Calfee will be turning away.
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Bill ......I will be with 3 in tow .....Do the rules allow 2 firing pins in one bolt ? Also how much MI am I allowed in a barrel ?


Bill Add my name to the list for the crayfish.
Motel phone ###
thanks Ellis Hamilton
It surprises me that all the research has been put in to the 90° increments starting at 12 o'clock.

Shouldn't somebody be testing 45°, 135°, 225° & 315° positions? It shouldn't have any negatives for extraction that a 3 & 9 o'clock strike might have.
I wish Florida wasnt so far and my shoulder was in better shape, that crawfish shoot and the "characters" that attend it sound like some fun
Good to hear from you, and more happy to hear you can make it up to the shoot. The Motel phone number is 904-777-5700, and ask to speak to Ms. Jane Miller. She will ensure that you get the correct rate for the Shooters. Looking forward to seeing you my friend. Thumper
Have re-read the rule book several times to try and answer your question and can find no reference to a minimum or maximum amount of MI allowable. I dare say that with all of highly technical research that has been going on lately with various components of our little rimfire smokepoles, you are apt to see anything from 8 groove down to smooth bore! On friday's practice day, I will set aside one bench for R&D on all of these new enovations so that our shooters can decide for themselves what is best for them. We did this one time before, if you remember, to test Mr. Allan Hall's Pistorifle for legality. Thumper
Mr. Stiller, You have no idea of the "Characters" that we have show up here for this shoot, and I mean that respectfully with all my heart. We have such a deversified group of individuals with trade backgrounds and experience levels ranging from junior shooters to retired Heart Surgeons, from electricians to engineers, from welders to machinists, from construction to logistics, from maintainers to pilots, and on and on. This game of ours is more about the people that attend than about the competition, it's more about the fun than the equipment they bring, and finally it's more about the learning experience and time shared than it is about the noteriety and the trophy's you take home. Memories are priceless, and friends are unforgetable! Thumper
Mr Stiller
Sure wish you could make it to the shoot, it's more fun than a barrel of Monkeys with the hiccups. Plus the fact that I'm sure a lot of people would like to get a sneak peek at your new Action. Make it to Alabama (LA) Lower Alabama and you can ride with me. I-10 is a straight shot to the Crawfish shoot. Oh, the Shrimp and the Crawfish taste pretty good too! East Coast Seafood, not pre-coated by BP.
True enough, MI is not specifically called out in the rules but is surely implied and most certainly perceived. Watch out!!
I wish Florida wasnt so far and my shoulder was in better shape, that crawfish shoot and the "characters" that attend it sound like some fun

Rumor has it one of your new Copperheads will be there ......I was hoping you would attend and show us how to drink beer and eat crawfish at the same time. Even thou you only have one arm we can get you a straw for the beer
I wish I could, but I will have to look more to next year. I cant even pick up a gun and my beer and crawfish abilities arent what they used to be. Sure sounds like fun.
I will have one of my Copperhead prototypes at the Crawfish for anybody that wants to shoot it. Jerry I sure wish you could make it buddy. I will make sure anyone who wants to check out the new action can.

Paul Tolvstad
Rock Creek Barrels