A little weather excitement in west Florida over the past couple of days.


e publius unum
Some areas around here have received 30 inches of rain since Saturday though the official total is "only" around 20 inches so far.

I tried to get off the road near where I took these pictures but the bow wave went over my hood as I got to the gutter part of the road. Luckily my motor ran a few seconds after allowing me to get to higher ground. While waiting for the water to go down, my brother and I spent a couple of hours pushing cars to the shallower areas. I just got my car running normally again by getting the couple of quarts of water out of the air box. Had no idea it would do this, it wasn't predicted. If I had gone anywhere, it would have been in my truck.



I live over near Live Oak, FL. We saw only a little rain yesterday. I guess most people don't realize that alot of cars aren't meant to be driven in that much water. I bet AAA was busy.
If you folks weren't such pigs you could send some of that water to places that need it. :D

Last year was the first year in 13 that we had more than "normal" precipitation, and the other 12 were well below "normal". This year is back to dry again. If we had that much rain here there'd be a whole lot of people swimming for high ground or praying for it to stop though, we don't usually get that much moisture in two or even three years.
I've been watching Euro 2012 on ESPN, and it's been dumping rain in Poland and the Ukraine too. Here in So Central Montana it'll cloud up and blow up a gale, but it we get a few drops of rain it's a miracle. Maybe I should wash my vehicle which needs it in the worst way.
How have the temps been Larry? Going to be there next weekend for the Montana State and I am HOPING for some heat in trade for some rain. We were soaking wet last year with the flooding.

This year NO snow so no moisture. Spring dry, had a bit of rain, then dry, now it WON'T STOP raining.

I want some DRY HEAT>

Well it was in the 80's F today and supposed to be similar tomorrow, but then down into the 70's for a few days. Long term forecasts around here are like in Manitoba I imagine. The forecasters turn their backs to a dartboard and pitch darts at the board and wherever the darts hit is plenty good enough. We haven't had enough rain or snow since last September to more than get things a little damp. That doesn't mean it won't rain and blow like crazy though. We've had some lovely "breezes" lately, so bring something to anchor your wind flags to the ground, and don't leave anything less dense than an LV rifle sitting out unattended because it could end up someplace you wouldn't want it to.
here at GULF SHORES,AL we had 28" last week in 2 days !!!!!!!!!
Larry you hit the nail on the head in regards to the forecasters. I am pretty sure I know what you are talking about in regards to winds. Got hit with one of them there quick Thunderstorms at the range in Billings last year. All wind but no rain. We knew it was coming but faster than we thought. I was slowly covering a few things up when the wind hit. I had just nicely pulled a trigger out of Paul Hollands rifle to give it a going over as it was acting a bit weird. It was fully disassembled on a rag that was weighed down. I just had enough time to grab the corners of the rag and ball it up and get it into his cleaning box and the Tazmanian Devil hit. Dust and dirt everywhere for about 3-5 minutes then it was gone.

I had one rifle on the bench under a gun tent that I was not to worried about. The other was in the gun case sitting on the cleaning table with the lid closed and NOT latched. The wind caught the lid and flipped it open. Then in slow motion, at least that is the way it looked to me, the gun case began to flip off the table backwards trying to dump its cargo on to the CONCRETE Pad. I was able to get there in time to sandwich the case with my hands and prevent the rifle from hitting the concrete. Heart racing 200 MPH. Rifle saved and lesson learned..........
The YRC range is where I shoot when I'm not visiting a doctor or hauling my wife to visit a doctor it seems, and when it blows there it BLOWS. I've done my fair share of chasing things around out there, and saying a few words that would get me kicked out of a lot of places. Anything that's much lighter than a boat anchor is blown away unless it's nailed down. Even when it's reasonably calm in the valley, it'll be blowing at the range. If the wind just holds steady for a bit it's possible to shoot a fairly decent group, in fact the best group I've ever shot in competition was when it started blowing out of the NE over the shooter's left shoulders. I put one into the sighter, then fired five as fast as I could (not very) and was delighted with a ragged little hole. The guy at the bench to my right waited for the wind to calm down and when the two minute call came out he still hadn't fired a shot. He got all five record shots downrange, but by that time the wind was slackening and picking up and he only managed a mid 4 as I remember.

Good luck, and I hope that weather for the state match is as good as it was today, with only a little breeze and warm temps.
Wouldn't have been any fun shooting here on the Gulf Coast over the past several days. It was 20-25 mph all weekend.

Except for photography, my hobbies (shooting, bicycling and offshore fishing) all suck in hard wind.
Now now Tom. Look at them calf and thigh muscles you would build pedaling into all that there wind........
Today in Billings it started off fairly nice with only a light breeze to liven things up, but by early afternoon it had clouded up with what looked like rain clouds but were in fact only wind clouds. By about 5 there were only clouds over the Pryors and Beartooths, WAY off in the distance and the wind had sort of calmed down. No rain either.