You can make the cases for Harrell's by fireforming using shotgun or pistol powder.
You will wreck some cases.
You start with half a case of powder, no bullet.
I say again, NO BULLET!!!!!!!
If you use a bullet you might die. I know of one shooter who did die from this so NO BULLET!
You fill the case about halfway with any shotgun or pistol powder, weigh the charge, dump it back in, walk outside and carefully fire it into the air.
I don't recommend any sort of "filler" nor wad nor wax plug nor NUTTIN, cuz I'm a Safety Geek and THIS IS SAFE. Just point the gun skyward, thumb the shell in carefully and pull the trigger, "FOOoom"
Not a whole bunch will happen, but the case will blow out just a little.
That shell is wrecked..... write the charge on it and set it aside.
Now go up 5gr and do it again.
And again, until you get the look you want.
It looks like this
NOW..... you can punch the primers with a chainsaw file or the primer punch from another set of reloading dies... (remember, SMALL flashhole!)...and do what you want to fire the cases until they're perfect. You can continue with the shottygun powder or change over to your regular powder, start dropping some bullets in and firing for effect. (When I say "dropping some bullets in" of course, I mean setting the bullet on top of a normal powder charge.... if the charge is low enough that the bullet literally "drops in" then something's wrong!)
Ask some more questions if I haven't been clear...