A fine morning for a rimfire challenge.


Danny Creasy

I occasionally check in on one of the Rimfire Central online matches. The competitors tend to shoot iron sighted heavy target rifles and post the scores in the forum entitled Benchrest 50 Yard Iron Sight Matches with NRA A-23/5.

I had been wanting to give it a try with my 452 FS and its Tech Sights. A bit under-gunned but I prefer shooting sporters.

The conditions were marvelous at the range this morning – cool, clear, and very little wind.

I got set up, pinned up a target, and started finding a zero.

The rifle was grouping well with the Wolf MT and SK Std Plus.

The two types of ammunition were virtually interchangeable, but I decided to go with the SK Std Plus after this bull.

I started on the target for score and visions of a 200 flashed through my brain. Unfortunately, my eyes got tired and a little fuzzy in the third bull (lower left). I managed to hold on for a final score of 197-9X.

I think I will try this once a week for a while. The rifle will shoot a 200 if I can. Without having to chase a zero first, the chances are better my eyes will hold up through an entire target.


I have had these sights on the FS for a few months and have grown quite fond of them. It reminds me of my years shooting high power with the M1 Garand:
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