A Christmas 250

Bill Wynne

Active member
I simply must share this story. I want every 22 shooter to know how I feel. I am not meaning to brag or boast. There is just no other way to tell my story.

I finally shot my first 50/50 250 at an unofficial match last Tuesday and I did it in the presence of five of the best shooting friends I could have which made it all the sweeter. This was the last practice match of the year for us at the San Angelo Gun Club. This happened two days before Christmas and it has been about three years coming. What a great Christmas gift!

The wind was blowing fairly steady at 12 to 15 MPH at our back and my four homemade wind flags helped greatly. The temperature was in the mid 60s. I remember feeling that it was so easy watching those flags that it was almost like cheating. In the first match I had a run of tens going until I fired the thirteenth bull and it went to a nine and I ended up with a respectable 247 with 14 Xs.

Before the second card I cleaned my rifle as usual and fired three rounds into the first sighter. The first shot was high and an eight and the next two were tens. The first shot for score was a ten as were the rest in the first row. I remember shooting the thirteenth and it was a ten. On the last row the tens just kept coming right through number 25. It was a 250 with 14 Xs

Every one of my fellow shooters signed my target and I shall treasure it forever with their names on it. I will not quit until all of them have shot their first 250.

Now that I know that it is possible, I am really hooked.

Thank you Wilbur for a great game.

Concho Bill
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Concho Bill, you have worked hard to reach a well deserved goal. It is nice to see excitement in another shooter, that is the reason we all play the benchrest game. We have the opportunity to reach goals we set for ourselves and meet the greatest people that become golden friends. It is great that your friends got to experience your 250 with you. As friends we all share in each others milestones.

Congratulations once again and many more 250's to you.

Mike Sherrill

That is great, and not bragging [or if it is] who cares? It is really something and i am happy for you! I keep hoping for a great ARA score but so far..........
Anyway....... Happy New Year to you and all my fellow shooters.
Congratulations Bill. You are a true gentleman and a sportsman. Having shot many matches with you I know how seriously you take the sport.

Sorry I missed this match. I would have loved to sign your target and seen the look on your face. Have you stopped grinning yet?

PS I guess you'll be keeping that barrel now, right?
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Bill-take the signed target-label it with the particulars-gun, ammo, date, wind, distance etc and get it framed and hang it somewhere in the house or your loading area!!

You bet I am going to frame the target and hang it in a place of honor and Steve, you and a couple of guys who were not there on Tuesday would honor me by signing my target. You have helped me greatly and I would appreaciate it if your name were on my target too.

Concho Bill
My congratulations on your first 250. That's a great feeling, and you should be proud of the accomplishment and happy. That's what it's all about. Well done, and best of luck for the 2009 season!
hoen rest

we need a hoehn 50br frount rest? The one with dilren balls> let me know

PS I sho with Bill Sat his hat no longer fits. Good shooten bill.
(Jack Kemp)boer bok
My first one in a match came just a few months ago, a 250-19x.
I had shot several in practice but my first one eluded me for over a year.
It was/is indeed special the first time.

My other two targets that day were terrible.
Bill, Congratulations on your first 250. It is a wonderful special feeling that first one, and it will always be there to reflect upon. Great Shooting and wish you many more Bill.

Take Care,
Congrats Bill. First 250 is something to remember. Should be easy now.:D

equipment list please

so brag about how you got your equipment and what you did to it if anyhting over the last while to make it shoot better, and your ammo selection
(not that any of this means a crap but it would be nice to hear)

good shooting

so brag about how you got your equipment and what you did to it if anything over the last while to make it shoot better, and your ammo selection
(not that any of this means a crap but it would be nice to hear)

good shooting



My rifle does have all the right stuff for a good pedigree but I must repeat that it is the great people in this sport that freely offer tips and nuggets of information and wisdom and wit that makes this sport so great.

But since you asked:

Action by Remington 40X, Trigger by Jewell, Barrel is Benchmark reverse taper 16.5 twist, Barrel and action work by Bill Myers, Hoehn tuner, Don Stith 250 stock, Bedding work by me, Weaver T36 Scope.

I shoot off of a rest made by James Pappas that sits on a bench designed by me and made by the 22 benchrest shooters at San Angelo Gun Club. (It is the moveable one described in my article on this site)

I shoot over some homemade wind flags that I made based on the design described by Wilbur in his article on this site. They work well for me.

The ammo is Eley Black Box that I bought from Dan Killough.

The ammo that I shoot groups very well but will have a flyer in it now and then. It also likes cool weather better than hot.

You are right about one thing Jefferson, this means very little except to a 22 shooter.

Concho Bill
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thanks for the answer

just funnin ya,
nice to see the ocmponents you used, good gunsmith (1 of many) and interresting to hear about your accomplishment,
got a few rimfire br guns but just started this fall to shoot them and man it is tought to get all 10's, going along then wind dribbles up and powey a 8.

much tougher than centerfire 6ppc br, trust me a have shot in the worlds on 2 occasions and this gives me fits,

good on ya, glad you made it to the top at least once,

take care,
