A change in the Salem Pistol & Rifle Club State & Regional Matches 8/23 & 24

Pete Roberson

New member
A change in the Salem Pistol & Rifle Club State & Regional Matches 8/23 & 24

There will only be a Yards State & Regional match on Saturday 8/23/14.

Wanted to give an early heads up for those that normally come and stay over for both days.

Sorry, hope to have it straighten out for next years match!!!
So noted Pete. Will miss those HOF points. You just realized that that Un-Calfee loves meters, huh? :D Any possibility to have a State and Regional meters match added later in the season?
I doubt it

Hi Bill,
I'd really like to, but there is no support to maintain the frame for meters and unless the club is willing to redesign them we may never shoot meters again?!

We at this time have no control over who uses the range, therefore any one can stop in at there leasure and shoot up the place with no care as to the damage they do?!

Hi Bill,
I'd really like to, but there is no support to maintain the frame for meters and unless the club is willing to redesign them we may never shoot meters again?!

We at this time have no control over who uses the range, therefore any one can stop in at there leasure and shoot up the place with no care as to the damage they do?!


I hear ya Pete. Very sad indeed. Wawarsing faces the same problem. The club won't leave out practice frames for shooters to use so anyone plinking on the rimfire range just puts cans and clay targets out on our target frames bases and blasts away. I never know what condition the bases are going to be in. It stinks not getting club support. I betcha they have their hand out for the money we generate though. Thanks for doing your best without club support.

Hi Bill,
I'd really like to, but there is no support to maintain the frame for meters and unless the club is willing to redesign them we may never shoot meters again?!

We at this time have no control over who uses the range, therefore any one can stop in at there leasure and shoot up the place with no care as to the damage they do?!


Very sad, The same thing happened to Jack Gardner at Liverpool NY. a few years back. Casual shooters shot up the inground target frame pipes, They did it a lot! To the point where, support or not....Jack became so disgusted with it that he just quit, putting an end to the IR 50/50 Comp's at Liverpool, and that was a real good venue with real good folks. Im am at present, preparing a range in southern NY. For IR.50/50 competition and by God.....I will protect this range with all it takes, Im not saying it will be easy, but violators who misuse the range Will pay the price. Pete: What can a volunteer or two do to help with your ( our ) situation there at Salem. The State & regional Yard's & Meters matches there at Salem have been Wonderful! I for one will really miss the weekend event. Do we really have to let a few bad apples spoil what we have come to love? Ed.
Yeah, if you need a work crew to put up a new frame, just let us know. I'd be willing to help out. Is your club willing to get the necessary materials?

Ed, it looks and sounds like you are making great progress with your new range. Looking forward to seeing it and shooting at it.
work crew

Count me in for a work crew before the match weekend to rebuild the frames. It seems like a lot of match directors have not scheduled the meters competition this year because it is just to much work. I know your case is different but for me it is hard to justify 7 hours in the car each way just to shoot yards. I would imagine that a few of us on the Thursday/Friday before the weekend could get the range in top shape for the competition.

Ted Derivan
Work crew

Me and Bob appreciate guys driving all the way to shoot just yards but our club at Angle Tree don't want to
tie up the range for a silly rimfire shoot. The AR boys don't want to miss a single minute of blasting time.
Our BOD is slowly coming around and there may be a chance of running yards and meters next year.