9 card match at Fairchancce Pa. 5/31/2015 sunday.


Tom C.

we're having a nine card match on sunday, 2 three gun, and then an unlimited, they'll shoot 2
sporter cards, then 2 10 1/2, then 2 13 1/2, the the unlimited it should go pretty fast like that.
should be a good match, the temps are supposed to be in the low 70's. if we only have one
relay we'll be done by 2pm. y'all come if you can. starts at 9am. lunch will be provided.
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a good turnout, 19 i think in the 3 gun matches and 13 in the unlimited match later.
a long day, started at 9am finished at 430pm. i don't have the scores they should
be posted in a couple of days, all i can say is the wind at fairchance was doing it's
thing. i think one 250 was shot all day and a couple of 248's won targets. at least
it helped cool you down, it got up to between 85-88f. very strong gusty day. all in all
i think most people enjoyed theirselves, we had virginia guys show up as well as
the parkersburg bunch and some from the middle of w.v. and tony, jim and john
and jerry from up around pittsburgh and of course a few locals, one fellow from
weston, w.v it was his first match, so thanks for coming everyone. hope to see
you at the unlimited nationals.