9,5mm 100m group

Well since you asked (I hope it was not rhetorical)


100m Airgun Range in USA??? Who/What is good at 100m in USA??? .25 Lonestar/Scorpion seem to be the Gun of Champion's in EU indoor's. Outside 100m is a different story,American's should be very good outide 100m JMHO.....Franky

The Phoenix Air Rifle Bench Rest and Silhouette club has started 100 meter outdoor matches. The next 100 meter shoot is this coming Saturday, November 1, 2014.

For any that may be interested it looks like .22 can be competitive at 100 in the wind if the pellet velocity is correct and the shooter knows what he or she is doing.

Eleven shooters signed up for the first match in September. Fourth and fifth place (I was the latter) tied with the same score and X count. The October match report is not posted yet but if I recall correctly I came in 5th again but with an X count higher than the two places above me. That again tells me that a better shooter than me would have placed higher and that .22 caliber can be competitive.

I even tried a .25 caliber today at 100 meters and did no better than I did at the last match. Winds were higher today but the better BC should have helped counteract blowing conditions. Hence, this confirms my gut feeling that .22 is competitive as long as the person pulling the trigger is up to the task.

The other Mark B