8208 Pull down powder. I need some


Active member
fellas i am trying to find an 8lb jug of this latest 8208 pull down powder thats been going around a few weeks back. I was hoping to find some fairly local so i could pick it up possibly down in St Louis next weekend at the 100 200 300 yards shoot. I know this isnt the best place for post like this , but i though maybe someone here might have a little to spare and could meet me down at the range. I would take what i could get but i probably cant afford much more than 8lb at this time.
My shooting partner and best buddy shot some today over the chrono and the results were quite good. Not that you would necessarily want to but you could get over 3500 fps with this powder. The accuracy was quite good as well. Anyway i will delete this post here in a couple days even if nothing develops, and i apologies for taking up space here for a post like this. Let me know if you can help! Thanks lee

Fellas i guess i didnt make all this very clear as to why i posted this here. I know i can order some through bruno but i am a little short on cash until i get to putting some concrete down on the ground for some folks, and i didnt want to have to pay Haz Mat and shipping if not needed. thanks again! Lee
Hi-tech Ammo in Saint Louis has the powder you are seeking as per their internet site. $98.00 eight lbs.
This is the place Bruno got his powder from.


Thanks Magoo. I will give them a call. You going to the 100 200 300 yard shoot this coming weekend? Looks like rain in the forecast, so i think i will get to come down, for a little shooting!! Lee


I have important info to pass on to ya.... Your PM inbox is full, I can not send you this info....


Well Cale,
I will send it out. There is some suspicions that the stuff Hitechammo is selling is not the true original IMR 8208. Grain size is wrong as is the smell. I have a case on order, should be here in a day or two. But if I were you I would wait a bit until we can tell if this is the real stuff. Appearnces is that it is not. Just have to wait and see. I kind of feel like Jackie on his 96 lbs of whatever. Just wait a bit for the reports to come in. I am for sure not in a position to absorb $400 plus of little small turds. One first hand report from a person that has shot it is that is shoots OK but is dirtry as you know what. Time will tell.............Donald
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i have seen this stuff shoot and shoot well, so one thing is for sure!! Man is it dirty though! Not so sure its worth the trouble as N133 also shoots very well, as we already know. Lee
Well i went ahead and ordered some from hi tech ammo and i am sure glad i did. A good dear friend of mine gave me a pound to try out and i am tickled to death with how this powder is shooting. I have stumbled onto a great load for my 6ppc with my stash of original Fowler bullets and the new norma brass. 30grains is shooting right at 3400fps and printing groups in the zeros with the Fowler bullet .017 back from full jam. Consistently too!!! I sure hope we dont run out of this dirty stuff any time soon. I bought all i could afford and that wasn't all that much. I need to get to pouring some concrete so my pockets have something in them!! LOL!!! Lee