8208 Lot#A044 (LC-9-16)


New member
I know this has been asked a thousand times, does anyone have any data on this lot of powder is it fast or slow? I think it came from Ron Hoehn but I can't get ahold of him at the moment. I just bought it this weekend from a guy I shoot Hunter Class with and I want to try it this week in my PPC for the Super Shoot next week. Just started making some 4 groove standard land gain twist barrels last week and want to run this powder in it.

Paul Tolvstad
Rock Creek Barrels
I've tried several lots....

.... of 8208, but not that specific lot number. The all chronograph at different speeds, but all seem to work at 29.2 grains plus or minus .3 grains.

Work up to 29.2. The group on the target will show you when you are at the optimal weight.
I know this has been asked a thousand times, does anyone have any data on this lot of powder is it fast or slow? I think it came from Ron Hoehn but I can't get ahold of him at the moment. I just bought it this weekend from a guy I shoot Hunter Class with and I want to try it this week in my PPC for the Super Shoot next week. Just started making some 4 groove standard land gain twist barrels last week and want to run this powder in it.

Paul Tolvstad
Rock Creek Barrels

At one time Bill Krazenski was selling some A04X (A043 or A044). I don't know the source of it, pulldown or virgin, but it was slower than 45710 (virgin) or the 18165-18167 pulldowns.

Follow Krup's advise. He's used enough 8208 to burn a wet mule.

NA3178 is the only 8208 I've come across that is too slow for a 6PPC and a light bullet. It was good for a 6BR and a 100 grain bullet.
Well took my PPC to the range with our new standard land 4 groove barrels with gain twist and the 8208 lot #A044(LC-9-16) today. Only shot one group because of the 40mph cross winds but ran it over the chrony. 27grs 2995fps, 28grs 3151fps,29grs 3300fps and 29.3grs 3345fps. 29.3grs is as much as I can get into the case. 29.3grs reads 55.5 on my Harrels powder measurer. Shot a 5 shot group at 29grs and it was about a .350 horizontal no vertical in a 40mph wind so it looks like it might shoot, hopefully it will be calmer tomorrow otherwise it will have to wait until Tuesday at the Super Shoot. Forgot to add that the temperature was 50 degrees today.

Paul Tolvstad
Rock Creek Barrels
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