80 grn. 6mm Fowler bullets



Has anyone had the opportunity to shoot any of the 80grn. 6mm Fowler bullets since Jeff has passed away? I have some of Jeff's original bullets that are second to none and would like to know if anyone has compared the original Fowlers, when Jeff was making them, to the current production. Are they the same? Would it be safe to say the new ones will shoot like the old ones? I've tried several of everyone else's and there is just no comparison. Fowler's win above all. Anyone?
fowler 80 gr flatbase

The 80 grain f/b bullets by Scheider accuracy (fowler) are very accurate I have 3 6brs
8 10 and 12 twist all shoot the 80 grain very well.
I would think so.
i just ran through a 500 lot of the 66GR 'es from scheider's accuracy and would say they were good. many groups in the mid .100's
Thanks for the replies; that's all I need to know. Will be placing an order shortly.
Just talked to the fellow (Scheider) who bought Fowler's business and is making his bullets. Very nice fellow. At any rate, he convinced me that the 80grn. 6mm bullets are certainly worth a try. I have some original Fowler 80grn. that I bought from Jeff and shot them in my 6mm BR 1 in 8" Bartlein last week for the first time. Suffice it to say the two groups were the best I've ever shot. Mr. Scheider encouraged me to compare results with some of Jeff's bullets with his, once I get them. You can't ask for much more than that.
I know this doesn't have anything to do with chino69's question, but I was fortunate to get to know Jeff Fowler and bought many of his bullets when I was into benchrest shooting and his bullets were just awsome. I still have some of his 22's and 25 caliber bullets and I just almost hate to pull the trigger on them. His legacy does live on in other bullet makers and there are still many goods ones out there.
Dave T
I know this doesn't have anything to do with chino69's question, but I was fortunate to get to know Jeff Fowler and bought many of his bullets when I was into benchrest shooting and his bullets were just awsome. I still have some of his 22's and 25 caliber bullets and I just almost hate to pull the trigger on them. His legacy does live on in other bullet makers and there are still many goods ones out there.
Dave T

I only knew him from talking on the phone with him but his bullets were absolutely incredible. I know there are many other good ones out there but once you stumble onto one that works, you like to stick with that one. I'm awaiting an order from Scheider's Accuracy and will compare side by side. If Sheider's is as good as Fowler's then I'm in business. The new owner sounded very reassuring and I'm willing to try them. I'm shooting the 80grn. FB in a 6mm BR 1 in 8 twist Kreiger that is simply amazing. This will be my groundhog match load.
Scheider Accuracy makes 80 grain FB and 80 grain HPBT bullets. I happened to get the HPBT and can't seem to find a load with them that my 12 twist 6mm BR likes. Scheider has said I could send them back and order the FB, but I was wondering if anyone has tried these in a 12 twist 6BR with any success? Help would be greatly appreciated.
I shot the original Fowler 30 & 22 cal bullets, when Scheider first bought the company Frank Parker & I tested & compared his 22, 30 and 6mm bullets to Jeff's and found they were exactly the same quality, all the load data was exactly the same, I never even had to reset my dies from Jeff's to Bill's bullets , GREAT bullets, GREAT service & good conversation,,,,,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I just received my 80 grn. bullets from Scheider and I have to concur with your observations. The weights are dead on and the bullet length, using a comparator, only varies .001 - .002, between the two comparisons. I'll be shooting them side by side shortly and would expect they would perform exactly the same. Nice fellow to deal with, I might add.