7mm08 from 308


I'm in need of new brass for 7mm08.I was wondering if I would run into any problems using Lapua 308 brass & necking down to 7mm08?
When ever you neck down brass......

it will get a little thicker. In your case, I don't know how much. The end result may be that you may or may not be able to use regular dies, but may have to go to a bushing stylle of die.

Also, you will have to watch the thickness of the brass at the shoulder neck junction, where it will be the thickest.

Question: what type of gun are you shooting and what kind of accuracy are you looking to get out of your rifle? The reason that I ask this question is that you may be just complicating the heck out of your life for nothing.
It's a Rem. 700 trued ,. 2oz. Jewel,with a HS Precision cut rifled heavy barrel. Not having good results with Rem. or Win. brass. Trying to find a more consistent brass. I can get Lapua for a little more than R or W & thought I might try it.
Unless you have a custom tight necked chamber...

I'd bet it work fine. I've necked them down to 7-08 and even down to 260 Rem and it worked with no problem. I can't tell that I'm getting better accuracy than with the remington brass I was using, but it sure holds tight primers much longer.
Watch case neck thickness and with 308 brass necked down, your cases will be 0.03 short. Should work just fine.:D
If it's a factory chamber you should be good to go. measure one of the cases you're using now acrost the neck to get a rough idea of what your chamber measurement is and then make up a dummy cartridge with a resized .308 Lapua case with a bullet in it and measure it to see if you'll need to neck turn.
I have a pacnor 7-08 ackley.Use Lapua brass through a FL 7-08 die,I have to neck turn a little and the brass comes out a little short,but it shoots very well. lr
I have 3 versions of the improved 7-08, I have used W-W,Rem,and Lapua. for me, the W-W brass lost the pockets the quickest, the Lapua showed pressure signs way before the W-W and Rem, the Rem has lasted the longest for me and has shot just fine. I will stay with the Rem 7-08 brass and just fire-form. Good luck, Ron Tilley