

I'm getting the specs together to order a 7mm-08 reamer. Does anyone have a neck diameter of a loaded round? I'd prefer to hear with different brands of brass if possible. Thanks.
7-08 Reamer

I would go with a Kiff/Clymer 7-08 SAAMI reamer........throated for the bullets you intend to use....
REASON:std.dies will work......
bill larson
Another way to estimate that loaded round diameter, is to take the bullet diameter and add two times the brass thickness.
A particular brand of brass can vary in wall thickness. For example, some brass comes in below 0.012" and other brands come in around 0.014" thick.

Turning necks outside of benchrest chambers does have some value with respect to keeping the size button the same based on trimming the neck wall thickness to be the same regardless of the brand or brass lot.

The SAAMI max would be 0.3150 based on a bullet at .2845, this would allow the brass thickness to be as high as 0.01525" but you are not likely to see this high end in practise.


Found some Lapua thickness at 0.0142", I think that was the highest I ever encountered, Winchester at 0.0135"
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Your best bet is to buy the quality brass you will use. Get enought to last.

Seat several bullets you want to shoot at the length you want to use.

Send all to the reamer manufacturer. He will take measurements and grind the perfect reamer.
