788 Ejection



I was talking with a fella the other day who told about fixing his scoped 788 ejection problems by opening up the inside top of the action on the Milling machine. I always firgured the rounds were hiting the scope not the action. Has anyone done this or had success doing such? I am working with one now that has not responded well to my normal tricks.

I have a 6mm 788 I've been shooting since 1970 and have never had a shell not eject or even hit anything during ejection.
My 243

The ejected cases on my 788 in .243 do hit the scope and leaves little brass marks on the scope.

An old trick is to mount the scope with the windage knob turned up (12 o'clock) on these 788's, leaving the elevation knob out to the left (9 o'clock), or simply mount the scope in very high rings.

On very low rings the ejected cases can fall back and jam up the works, all depending on the angle the rifle is held during bolt operation.

788's were never fine rifles; but this old piece of junk shoots very well. They make great truck rifles because of the detachable clips.