6x47 swiss match



Hello, just wondering if anyone had a couple pieces of 6x47 sm brass . I am interested in this caliber and would like to purchase a couple pieces of brass to see if I can make them from something else. Thanks, John

I suggest that you make a full investigation.

An shooting acquaintance of mine just yesterday was complaining that he now chambers his rifle in 6x47 Lapua because the Swiss Match brass was no longer available.

Ok Thanks for the reply --kinda confirms what ive been hearing.Thats why I want to see If I could make some out of something else--Maybe 6x47 lapua---I don't know what the case length is.
Smack (Swiss Match) brass

Hello, just wondering if anyone had a couple pieces of 6x47 sm brass . I am interested in this caliber and would like to purchase a couple pieces of brass to see if I can make them from something else. Thanks, John

How's $1 ea (limit of 5). Fired but not "abused." PM w/ addy if interested.

Swiss shooter

I've had a few rifles chambered for the Swiss Match and 6-6.5x47 Lapua. The cases are very similar - the SM is about a millimetre shorter in the body and a millimetre longer in the neck. Thus, Swiss Match size brass can be created by simply running the 6.5x47 Lapua case though a SM body die.

The small primer in the Lapua case takes the pressure much better than the genuine large primer SM case so I much prefer to go this route - i.e SM formed from 6.5x47 Lapua. Much better velocities are attainable with the small primer without over-pressure signs.

Vince (UK)