6PPC and 30BR Barrel length in Unlimited Class?


Ron Jackson
Chambering a couple 1.25 straight barrels, one in 6PPC and another in 30BR to use in unlimited class. Weight is not a problem (balance maybe), 18lb now with HV contour. Wondering at what length do you quit gaining any benefit in velocity in these two rounds. 30BR 17 twist 34g 4198 116-120g bullet. 6PPC 14 twist 28.3g LT-32 68g bullet. Shadetree tuners.

Lots of good shooting lv 6ppc's out there with 20-1/2 to 21" barrels. I feel like a 30BR with 4198 is fine with that or even less, due to a larger bore and the faster burn rate of 4198. One of the better 30 barrels I've had, I set back a time or three, to a little less than 20" and it shot very well. Pretty sure I was still shooting a 30 br and not the Major, at the time.
why are you worried about

Chambering a couple 1.25 straight barrels, one in 6PPC and another in 30BR to use in unlimited class. Weight is not a problem (balance maybe), 18lb now with HV contour. Wondering at what length do you quit gaining any benefit in velocity in these two rounds. 30BR 17 twist 34g 4198 116-120g bullet. 6PPC 14 twist 28.3g LT-32 68g bullet. Shadetree tuners.


weight w/ an unlimited? Are you building it as a bag gun or as a rail? If a rail, most, if not all, have straight cylinder barrels on them. 20 to 26" would seem to me to be the range to try. If you are building an unlimited bag gun, again, why worry about weight. You can add all you want to the butt to compensate for the barrel. And again, most of those guns have/had cylinder barrels on them. You should get a chance to see George Kelbly's office to see a real history of U/L BR rifles.
I am probably wrong, as I usually am, but I truly feel like my longer LV barrels are easier to tune, compared to my short LV barrels. When I chamber a new LV blank for myself, I try to keep them as long as I possibly can. 23.5 inches and with the proper taper "Lester Bruno LV" I can go 24" and still make weight. I don't really know why, but they just seem to shoot better, or shoot easier. I truly feel this way.
I pin my rifles so balance inst a big issue to me. My stocks are Scoville, Scarborough or terry Leonard's and they are all very light, and long. Ridged to!
I know this isn't what your asking, but I still say longer is better. Lee
I getting ready to chamber a 30 Br barrel, and it's on a heavy gun but from talking to a couple of people that I know that have them they told me that 25-26". While that seems long to me compared to the ppc, they shoot really well, they both shot 250,sat the VFS nationals, in crappy condition.
Thanks, felt longer barrel might be better

Thanks for the replies. I have been shooting a 24" barrel on the 30BR for the last couple years, it has done very well. I was mainly curious about where the diminishing return might be. For example the 6 dasher, after running out to as much as 32" barrel length, the forums seem to agree that anything over 28" is a waste. I was curious if anyone has tried much longer barrel lengths in the 6PPC. I feel the 30BR would definitely work with say a 26" length, maybe more.