6mm headspace


mtn smith

Howdy folks.. I was wondering if a person could use .308 head space gauges for a 6mm.. Isn't 6mm based on a .308 case? 243, .308, 6mm aren't they all based on a .308 case? I could be wrong I need opinions..


Howdy folks.. I was wondering if a person could use .308 head space gauges for a 6mm.. Isn't 6mm based on a .308 case? 243, .308, 6mm aren't they all based on a .308 case? I could be wrong I need opinions..



You are wrong. I suggest you order gauges from a manufacturer stating the cartridge you want them for... this isn't something to guess about.

A "6mm" could be a number of completely different cartridges but I am guessing you mean the 6mm Remington. It has nothing in common with a .243 Winchester nor a .308 Winchester.
Thanks for the info guys.. Its hard to keep in my head all the different interchangeability of cartridges..

mtn smith
FWIW David Kiff publishes a wonderful reference manual that details the different cartridge dimensions and a number of other very useful kibbles of information.

Well the worth the investment for anyone doing chamber work IMO.