6BR Free Bore



I have to order a reamer for my two 6 br's. One is a 1-14 twist the other 1-12 twist. Did not want to purchase two reamers. So what is a good in between measurement to get by with.

I don't think there really is an "in between" freebore measurement for you. You are going to have to spec your reamer for the heaviest (longest) bullet you want to shoot in the 12 twist barrel. This will mean that the 14 twist will be a total compromise.

You don't state what your intended use is for these two guns. I could understand if one of them were an 8 twist for long range and the 14 was for close.

I had the same issues when building my first 6BR and decided that my primary focus was competing at 100-300 yards and built my rifle accordingly with a 14 twist and .015 freebore shooting 64-68 grain bullets.
I do have VERY good results with this setup with 70 grain bullets at 600 yards, but this is simply for fun - not competition.
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