6BR Ejector Hole or Not?


JP Poulin
I'm still undecided in whether or not to rebush my 40X 6BR 1-8" Broughton F-Class rifle to a smaller firing pin or not. I've done the conversion on two other bolts successfully and installed an M16 extractor over someones botched Sako conversion.
I have noticed when working up loads and the 6BR Lapua cases that I will get slight indents on the head where the ejector hole was and some primer cratering. Nothing new there, but would rebushing the whole boltface covering the ejector hole also with the .062 firing pin be the answer?
I certainly don't need the eject feature on the line, but then how will I detect overpressure? Sticky bolt only?
Does the 6BR act like the 6PPC and need more pressure for best accuracy?

I guess I don't want to get caught up in diminishing returns for my effort.
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Bushing the firing pin hole will not cover the ejector hole. You can have the ejector hole plugged and faced flush, but it probably won't be reversible.
A little primer cratering is not always a sign of access preasure but if you can see the imprint of your ejector hole on the head of your case I would tread lightly. Especially if it's lapua brass! At present I am "playing around" with 40X with out an ejector in 30br. I am not about to divulge the charge"4198" I am using but believe me when I tell you it is HOT and there no signs of the ejector hole on any of my lapua brass.
You can plug the ejector hole with a short piece of drill rod, pinned in the same as the original. No spring, just the rod cut to the right length. It can be removed when/if necessary.
