60gr. V-Max terminal proformance?



Does anyone have any information on the termainal performance of 60gr V-max bullets in .224? I am starting to reload these bullets for my .22-250 and want to know will they exit ground hogs and keep on going for a ways, or do they blow up explosively and stop dead in thier tracks. I live in a lightly populated area in the country with houses scattered along the roads and I'm worried about over penetration on ground hogs. I don't want these things flying for miles and hitting a house. I currently use 40 gr. V-max bullets loaded to 3800 fps and they explode and NEVER exit the ground hog. I know i don't have to worry about them.

Any other info will be apperciated. load recipies, acuracy reports, kill pics etc...
Does anyone have any information on the termainal performance of 60gr V-max bullets in .224? I am starting to reload these bullets for my .22-250 and want to know will they exit ground hogs and keep on going for a ways, or do they blow up explosively and stop dead in thier tracks. I live in a lightly populated area in the country with houses scattered along the roads and I'm worried about over penetration on ground hogs. I don't want these things flying for miles and hitting a house. I currently use 40 gr. V-max bullets loaded to 3800 fps and they explode and NEVER exit the ground hog. I know i don't have to worry about them.

Any other info will be apperciated. load recipies, acuracy reports, kill pics etc...

I here ya Dennis,

My go to bullet in 22-250 or 22-250Ack or 22BR is the 60gr V-Max. Now I will say I get after coyotes and have seen no exit wounds. Another great bullet is the 60gr Sierra HP but it does exit from time to time.

I feel that with Ground Hogs, they are thick enough to allow a vmax to totally errupt. No appreciable exit. PD's or Crows, probably not.

I have done this; 2 liter bottle filled with water and a 1/2 piece of plywood.
Stake a piece of plywood (12"x12")standing up a few inches behind the bottle which is standing up.
My findings is if the bullet exits the bottle and completely exits the plywood at say 200-300 yds, then the bullet not good for semi populated areas.
I have found that 22-250 vel (3500fps) with the 60vmax typically pass the test... Usually there is some "dent" or "chip" in the plywood from a piece of lead/jacket striking but no full penetration.
Now, my 22-250Ack will just do 3700fps(hot load..!) with the 60vmax and at 200yds this bullet totaly blows up the bottle and typically don't leave a mark on the plywood.

Your 40's will give ya the performance needed, the 50 should as well. The 60's will be a tad better in the wind and at longer ranges...

Just be careful in the populated areas...!

I'd say Hodgdon Varget or H380 is hard to beat... H380 start at 35.0 gr with the 60 and work-up..

Good luck,
Shooter 1938

Does anyone have any information on the termainal performance of 60gr V-max bullets in .224? I am starting to reload these bullets for my .22-250 and want to know will they exit ground hogs and keep on going for a ways, or do they blow up explosively and stop dead in thier tracks. I live in a lightly populated area in the country with houses scattered along the roads and I'm worried about over penetration on ground hogs. I don't want these things flying for miles and hitting a house. I currently use 40 gr. V-max bullets loaded to 3800 fps and they explode and NEVER exit the ground hog. I know i don't have to worry about them.

Any other info will be apperciated. load recipies, acuracy reports, kill pics etc...

Hunting coyotes with the 60 gr V-MAX in the 22-250 works great for me.
what do you think would happen if i missed? say i didnt hit the ground hog and hit the dirt. you think that it would tumble and travel for a ways or you think it would still explode and maybe only go another 100 yards?