600 SOY 2007 season revised.


bill truitt

600 yards shooter of the year. 2007 season. Starting November 15 2006 Revised 1-22-08

Following names are arranged by points from SOY matches, Nationals and records set.
Place Competitor Points total
1 Richard Schatz 55
2 Glen Sterling Jr. 38
3 Sam Hall 36
4 Terry Brady 33
5 Larry Isenhour 27
6 David Tooley 25
7 Royce Tolley* 23
8 John Griswold 21
9 Buster Long 20
10 Ricky Fitzpatrick 19
11 Rick Murphy 18
12 Mike Eschleman 17
12 T Richard Nelson 17
13 Dwain Thompson 15
14 Mark Scronce 14
15 Larry Bryant 14
16 Joel Kendrick 13
17 Terry Hettich 13
18 Randy Dawson 13
19 Rodney Wagner 11
20 Steve Shelp 11
21 Jay Cutright 10

Ties broken by number of wins. If wins are the same it is left as a tie.

* Name and points omitted in original file. Updated. Bill Truitt

Bill Truitt
Several years back Bud and I happened to shoot some 600 yard targets. After testing we found that a PPC would do very well. Since that time there have been many chambering and bullets tested. While totaling the results this year I am floored at the group and scores fired at 600 yards.

The untold part of this is the many groups of 4 shots that people would not believe. The part of keeping all 5 in is the game. Many can see the game growing and the targets becoming smaller.

IBS group record
Light gun 5 shots @ 600 yards. .749 What a target.
Group AGG total 20 shots at 600 yards. 1.7734

IBS heavy gun
Single target .861
Group agg. 1.507 for 4 targets of 5 shots each to total a 20 shot group at 600 yards.

2 GUN AGG 2.0225, Mind Blowing 40 shot group using 2 guns at 600 yards.

My point is to bring into mind the shooting accomplishments that have been made. Looking at results of shooters being separated by a few thousandths for 20 shots @ 600 yards.

My hat is off to the shooters who have competed and supported the sport. The record setters I solute you.

If you are a reader or just have not had the nerve to try a match, I tell you this. The worse thing possible is having a good time and meeting some great people. Your hunting rifles can and will shoot this. Each range has a factory class. Factory guns from Savage to Sako have fired great groups at 600 yards. Watching some of the targets I have seen factory guns print groups smaller than benchguns.

Sincerely Bill Truitt

Congratulations to Richard Schatz on a great year.Also congratulations to Glen Sterling.Great shooting.
Thanks Lynn

I've been away from the computer for about a week and was surprised to see this.

Now what to try new for '08???

Richard Schatz
Thanks Joel

Already making plans for Oakridge. Only five long months to wait.

Richard Schatz
Richard,,,,,Congrats on some great shooting. To be the best out of around 700 shooters is something to be proud of.

Hope to meet you and some of the other shooters from out your way at Oak Ridge this summer.

Great shooting, Richard.

Larry Isenhour
Good shooting Richard,well deserved SOYwin.I have been watching the match results, you won everything but the lottery.This 600 suff has come a long way in a short time.I can't wait to see what happens in 2008.Hope to see you at the nationals this summer. Terry
Congradulations on SOY!!! You have been shooting extremely well for several years now! From what I hear of you, you are a great guy too. You certainly deserve SOY! You and Glenn really put on a show at the Nationals also! Hope to finally meet you, Glenn and the rest of ya'll great shooters at Oak Ridge at this years Nationals! Sincerely, Samuel Hall, Boonville,NC.
Thanks guys;

Looking forward to meeting all of you at the Nat's. Hope the weather cooperates and we have a good turn out.

Richard Schatz
Congratulations Richard !!! Big Time !!!! What a grand accomplishment!!!

Being your friend and having traveled a few miles with you in life, I can honestly say you are very deserving of this accomplishment!!!
Your dedication and skills are deserving of every honor you win !!!

Happy Shooting and Best Regards,
To All

Hello from the wife of Richard Schatz. I don't get to meet allot of you, but know how much you all mean to Richard. I am very proud of my husband and know you keep him on his game. I enjoy being just being his greatest fan. Best of Luck from Sherry;)
Sherry you should be proud,this sport we do is not like golf or baseball or ect.All we get is ataboys. but some times that is enought!
Sherry,,,,You should come with him to Tennessee this June for the Nationals. I am sure you would enjoy the trip.

Those of us who do this shooting enjoy it, but more than that, we enjoy the friends we make. We talk to each other through the Winter months and discuss our thoughts for the up-coming season. We are very competetive, but will help each other with loads or anything else that is needed and then set down at the bench and do everything possible to beat each other.

When it is all over we all appreciate good shooting and let the winners know that...Richard is a tough competetor and we are glad to be able to shoot with someone as good as him..

Hope the Winter isn't getting you down..It must be COLD in North Dakota!
Larry Isenhour
SOY Points

Where can we see the points that we accured for last year 600yd SOY?