6 PPC "node" ??


I am new to the 6 PPC as of this spring. I shoot VV133 & Barts Ultra 68's. I am told there are various "nodes" for this load. I was guided toward 28.7 gr of VV & it seems to shoot pretty well. Are there other "nodes"? I assume these represent MV's that I reach with this load. And,,,,,what is a "node"? As alwsys, thanks/ Chaz

First let me say gene beggs and several others are more qualified than I to answer your question. but many shooters feel there are nodes (when the rifle, barrel, load combo shoots small groups) about every .6 of grain difference in weight. that is if it shoots at 28.7 it probably will shoot at 29.3, 29.9 etc. of course temp, humdity etc will affect what node shoots best. Gene has several posts that discusses in more detail. do a search for Genes post jim casey
I am new to the 6 PPC as of this spring. I shoot VV133 & Barts Ultra 68's. I am told there are various "nodes" for this load. I was guided toward 28.7 gr of VV & it seems to shoot pretty well. Are there other "nodes"? I assume these represent MV's that I reach with this load. And,,,,,what is a "node"? As alwsys, thanks/ Chaz

What if "pretty well" isn't as good as it can shoot? That it isn't just before the maxima or minima of the sine wave? That is, that it's somewhere else on the curve.

If you're satisfied that that powder charge is as good as it gets (in that particular temperature/density altitude/phase of the moon ;) ), have you tweaked the seating depth?

Greg J.
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have you tweaked the seating depth?

Yes and that's the next "can of worms"...:D:D.. Tuner..??? ...Tweek much..!!:D

Gents/ thanks for your input. I have tried changing my powder load by 1/10 ths, both up & down, from 28.5 up to 29.2. . Depending on the weather (heat/humidity) I start to see signs of pressure above 29.0. So I have returned to 28.7, loading at the range. I have fiddled with seating depth also.......but when I took my rifle in to Dwight Scott to have measurements made for a new barrel, he said that my barrel looked "awful, awful". I responded that this wasn't so bad & he replied that he withheld the third "awful" because he didn't want to make me feel any worse. So I am gathering info/advice now while I await my new barrel. I bought the rifle used, as a learning tool, so after the 400 + rounds I put through it, the barrel owes me nothing. Clearly it was in worse shape than I expected when I bought it, but I was/am a newbe. I certainly appreciate everybodys input/ Chaz.
Chaz, when buying a used gun you can't expect much from a used barrel but you can still learn from it. The worst barrel to learn from is a hummer in my opinion as it will make you feel pretty wise at the matches you attend which as a beginner is usually the smaller ones. Then when the barrel is done you find yourself at the bottom of the list and you think you lost your mind and ability and just give up. It is a learning curve to learn how to tune and shoot a BR gun but having Dwight giving you a hand is a definite plus.
JohnVm/ thanks. As I mentioned, I was/am using it as a learning tool. I will use the new barrel as another learning tool. I enjoy the people I am meeting and value any advice I get from them. I am at the bottom of the learning curve and having a good time. Thanks to all/ Chaz