6.5x47 Lapua brass


marion packett

I have 200 new pieces of brass and samples indicate oal of 1.8385 yet the trim length is 1.843. Is this correct? Is the brass intentionally short to allow for growth? Any of you have same oal for new brass?
6x47 Lapua

Mine are running 1.841 from two boxes that I have had about a year. Hope that helps.
Might be interesting to compare the unfired to fired length of specific cases to see if there is any grow on first firing - which wouldn't surprise me as I'd expect that cases would need to be manufactured to fit in minimum spec chambers.
The first batch I'm on are trimmed to 1.838"... very few were over 1.839" and several were still just shy of the trim length on my Wilson trimmer. I was somewhat surprised to find the 'factory' length is supposed to be 1.843"!
I was somewhat surprised to find the 'factory' length is supposed to be 1.843"!
The drawing over at 6BR shows the maximum case length as 47 mm & that is darned close to 1.850" according to my conversion tables. Knock off the usual ten thousandths for the trim to length & you're left with 1.840".

I'm not sure where those numbers on the print came from, or when. The 1.843" number comes from Lapua's own loading manual - the trim-to length is listed as 46.80mm / 1.843".

'Tis a mystery, Monte.

I just miked some virgin Lapua .308 & a bag of 50 Remington I won & they all go 2.007-2.011" though the Lapuas are shorter than the Remmys. Maybe Lapua started to economise because the cost of copper went up. :D
