6.5x284 no turn bushing size?


New member
A friend just got hi factory Savage and needs to order dies. Doesn't know what size bushing to order. Lapua brass.
A friend just got hi factory Savage and needs to order dies. Doesn't know what size bushing to order. Lapua brass.

You are going to have to fire it first to determine what size bushing you will need. Measure the fired brass neck, then order a bushing .002 smaller.

Measure your neck thickness, take that times 2, add diameter of bullet and you have loaded round neck diameter. Most people will use either .001 or .002neck tension so, loaded round neck diameter minus preferred tension equals bushing size.
Measure this...double that...divide ....multiply....too much math. To many chances to make mistake.

Just seat a couple of bullets and measure them. Get bushings that are .002 and .003 less than your loaded round.

Gary, you need to compare to Tods example to see where you are at.

You are going to have to fire it first to determine what size bushing you will need. Measure the fired brass neck, then order a bushing .002 smaller.

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