


What do you thank of the 6.5 x06 for 1000 yard shooting? Will it shoot with a 6.5 284?
Thanks Max
What do you thank of the 6.5 x06 for 1000 yard shooting?
:eek: I thank mine a lot. It got me a number of IBS points for relay & match wins, and was my LG when I placed 6th overall at 2005 IBS Nationals.

I do prefer the 6.5/06 AI version, but really, there is no need.

As a general rule, a particular *chambering* isn't too important in 1,000 yard shooting. Bullets and barrels are still the primary components in wining. There are a lot of good 6.5 bullets out there, almost as many as with a .30, which I now use. And unlike the .30s or .338s, I can shoot a 17-pound (braked) 6.5 free recoil. You pays your money & takes your choice.
contact BOB PASTOR OF VIPER REST'S.he's got more championship's and record's than i have relay wins. dogdude
Max if your recoil shy you may want to try the dasher, there a little more work with brass, but they get the job done! I see a lot of the top shooters going 6mm. I like the 300 wsm, real easy to load for and a lot of good bullets to try.. Bob Paster Who is he? He couldn't hold my rear bag, but he sure does make a nice rest!

Joe Salt
Yes but he'll know I still care enough to bust on him. He was at PA. the first match I shot lousy, but I still beat him. He'll say it was windy. Now he'll never come back! Charles is that American Kennel Association? I know he has dogs.

Joe Salt

To answer your question, there isn't much difference between a 6.5/06 and a 6.5/284.

More important is where do you shoot? There are a couple ranges that seem to be honey holes -- Harry Jones in WV, and the Montana 1,000 yard range. A small 6 like the Dasher will do well in both group and score at these ranges. There are other ranges, like Pennsylvania and Hawks Ridge, where the .30s almost always seem to come out on top in the year-long aggs and the Championships. Remember, in a championship, score and group are equal -- you have to well in both.

If you're like most of us, your opinion about what is the best chambering will change over time. Just accept that. In the meantime, copying the consistent winners where you plan to shoot most is not a bad idea.
Max anouther good one if the Pa. web sight is up to date is the 6x47 again good bullets. [6mm and 30cal. Bullets]

Joe Salt
Hi Charles and Joey,

I can feel the love all the way out here in Michigan. Joey, you are a much better shooter than I'll ever be. It's just a shame you can't lay flat on the ground and shoot. It still comes down to barrels and the nut behind the trigger.

Have a great weekend guys.
What do you thank of the 6.5 x06 for 1000 yard shooting? Will it shoot with a 6.5 284?
Thanks Max

Hi Max, I'm sorry no one answered your original question. Here is the scoop. Side by side both cases will shoot very well. The .284 you can buy brass for. The 06 you have to do a bit of work. Both barrels will give you approx. 1000 rounds of competitive shooting before they go away. Here is the difference.

The 06 has 5% more case capacity, which you can use if you select the correct powder. The .284's top speed node is around 3,000 fps. The 06's node is 3,159. I'll take that speed advantage to the line any day of the week. You won't go wrong with either case.
Bob, you can hit 3,300 with the 6.5/06AI using Rel 22. It does shoot a little better with the barrel lengths we tend to use around 3150. But both 22 and 25 have been gaining in "burn rate." It may well be that one could use Rel-25 now, and find a node at 3,300. And, there are just getting to be more powders that work in these size cases.

The 1995 or so lots of Rel-22 was great powder. Since 2000, it seems to have suffered. This in terms of the "where the hell did that come from" shots. In my chamberings that will work with anything from H-4831 to Rel-25, I've been finding that the H-4831 gets me more consistent accuracy. Rel-25 comes in second.

Remember, the 10-ring is a bit smaller when you don't lay on your belly & crane your neck.

Another plus for the 06/ AI is 150 grain bullets. I dunno if Clinch River is still making them, but when the wind came up, Greg's 150s were worth a point of two. You can use them in a 6.5/284, but both the neck length and case capacity are against you.

Having said all that, now that we finally have some very good .338 bullets, that's they way I'm going. Second for me are heavy .30 caliber bullets. But I think new shooters in particular are caught up in small groups, and the rage just now is 6mms.

Whatever blows your skirt up, Emma.
Hi Charles,

You are right about the RL22 vs. RL25. Ever since they had that hot lot, it's has been a bit inconsistent. The RL25 uses up more volume also. Benchrest will always be close to my heart but, I'm so far away from any of the ranges that it's hard to justify the expense for only 20 shots for the weekend. I found the higher node but the brass can only be used once. I've got some custom 147's and 155's that are killers in the wind. You just can't push them at the same speeds as the 141's.
I'm so far away from any of the ranges that it's hard to justify the expense for only 20 shots for the weekend.

Bob, I meant to answer sooner -- with fewer shooters at most matches, on the order of 20 to 30 now, instead of 70+ when there was only Virginia & Carolina, most clubs are holding two matches per day. That's 30 record shots if you don't win nothin, up to a maximum of 60 record shots if you win all your relays. I'll allow winning every relay is unlikely, but the relays are smaller now, too, so winning at least on relay isn't too unlikely.

The club nearest you is Minn, I think. Looks like they shoot 1K on Sat, and a 600 yard match on Sun. There are four targets each gun at 600. For the weekend, that's 70 rounds for record, plus the shootoff(s) if you win a 1K relay(s).

* * *

If you really want to push your 6.5/06 AI, there are other powders. 7828, while dirty, will get the job done, as will VV 165.

On the milder end of loading, It's one of the few chamberings where I never got 4831 to work, but that's probably just the two barrels I've had. I'm shooting a .338/404 in LG now. Try THAT in F-Class!
Morning Charles,

Minn. is just over 600 miles one way. When they shoot four complete matches in one weekend, that's a bargin. Pa. is just under 600 miles one way. Even the Missouri clubs are over 500 miles from home. The cost of fuel alone is crippling. Not to mention at least 4 days away from home for each trip. As much as I love 1,000 yd. bench rest, I can go to Canada for two weeks, travel 400 miles one way and shoot 1,300 rounds in 13 days and get all the shooting a guy can handle. Plus a lot of the matches pay cash for three places. I shot all of Williamsports matches one season and drove over 12,000 miles in 10 weeks.
Bob............Have not talked with you in ages! I want to thank you again for that DVD you sent me a while back on the Williamsberg gunsmith! For the past five I have viewed that video prior to volunteering at a gunsmith shop in a 1860's village (an annual event). It really describes in detail the making of a flintlock muzzle loader.
Rich De
Hi Rich,

I knew you would enjoy that video. It's amazing the craftsmanship those old gunsmiths put into their rifles. What are you doing in the 1860's shop? Is there a master smith there?

No master smith. This is a 1840's village a local doctor has put together in the last 40 years. All building (and there are over 50) all came from within 40 miles of Hickory NC. Once a year he has over 400 volunteers that bring the village to life. Period clothes.........the whole nine yards. There are only 3000 tickets available and it is one day. There is everything from a working cotton gin, gist mill, kilns, balcksmith shop several Episcopal churches.
Rich De
Found this "old" thread searching for 6.5 x 06 data, so I'm bumping it. Not a target shooter, but I've got a regular 6.5 x 06 and a 6.5 x 06 AI that I hunt with. Got my first antelope with the 06 AI in 87 IIRC with this rifle in a different stock. I'm having my go to smith build me another 6.5 x 06 that I don't really need, but something that I want.


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