You can shoot 1000 yards with a Grendel. But it isn't the ideal cartridge for it.
Some of the Grendel supporters try to build it up like it is the wonder cartridge of the century.
But it isn't.
The 6.5 Grendel just doesn't have the case capacity to shoot the longer bullets effectively.
If you look closely you will notice that NOBODY is using the Grendel successfully in 1000 yard competition.
HOWEVER if you are going to shoot it at 1000 yards then you will need to go with the highest BC bullet you can find. Seat it as far out as possible, even to the point where you have to single load it because the OAL is to long for the magazine.
Then load it to the ragged edge of pressure. But even after that don't be surprised if you find a few bullets going through the target sideways.
You might want to check the Grendel board
About half of those guys don't even own a Grendel but the other half who do have a lot of experience with the cartridge. They should have a lot of load data.
Several guys on the different forums have tried the Grendel for F-Class and Service rifle competition but have abandoned it for bigger cartridges. About the smallest cartridge that you can get away with for 1000 yards in 6.5 will be the 6.5 BRX or something similar. They will hold about 5 or 6 more grains powder than the Grendel.
Also try the 6mm BR forum
However if you neck the Grendel down to 6mm you will have a smoking service rifle called the 6mmAR
http://www.6mmar.com/ cartridge that will shoot better at 1000 yards than the 6.5 Grendel.
Count yourself lucky. You could have bought into a 6.8 SPC.