6-18-11 S. Ga. Results

We had a great day for shooting with it being partly cloudy, and breezy. It didn't get too hot until we were finishing up. Phil Deese was the hot shooter today as you'll see below. Congrat's to all the winners and thanks to all who helped with the match.
IR 50/50
1)Phil Deese 248-16X
2)Mickey Law 246-10X
3)L. Worthy Jr. 244-13X
10.5 lb.
1)L. Worthy Jr. 248-17X
2)Phil Deese 248-15X
3)Emery Smith 248-11X
13.5 lb.
1)Phil Deese 250-18X
2)Emery Smith 249-14X
3)L. Worthy Jr. 247-15X
1)Phil Deese 250-20X
2)L. Worthy Jr. 248-17X
3)Mickey Law 248-13X
1)L. Worthy Jr. 250-17X
2)Hoke Kerns 250-11X
3)Emery Smith 249-14X
1)Phil Deese 249-13X
2)Emery Smith 248-13X
3)L. Worthy Jr. 248-10X