5th Annual Bob Norton Memorial 4-Gun


Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters held the first half of our annual Bob Dorton Memorial 4-Gun match this last weekend,
at the Sac Valley shooting Center in the heart of the Ione Triangle. This match is held over the course of 2 weekends in June & July of every year
in memory of one of the founding members of our club and the main reason we have the quality SRBR facility we do on Range 11.
We shot SPT/LV this weekend 100 on Saturday followed by 200 on Sunday.
We had 12 shooters come out to join us and challenge the usual tricky conditions here at Sac Valley.
We started with Sporter 100 Saturday morning with Roy Luchini taking the first yardage win of his budding BR career with a nice .3230 agg.
(Looks like that practice with the flags is starting to pay off!) Roy just edged out match director Dan who was 2nd at .3276,
with Steve (Magic Bullet) Epstien 3rd with a .3322.
LV100 was taken by me with a dominating .2696 agg, easily outpacing Craig Addely who has been MIA lately,
but returned to the fray with a nice .3092 agg to snag 2nd, Dan finishing 3rd at .3330.
We moved the frames to 200 for Sunday's match and called it a day as things were heating up.
Sunday morning started with mild conditions that increased to our normal switchy/twitchy wind, with the biggest problem being some pretty wicked mirage as the morning went on.
We started where we left off, with LV200 Steve Epstien shooting the only agg in the .2's (barely) with .2974 far out pacing my .3473 for 2nd,
Dan 3rd with a .3536.
Steve continued his domination at 200 with a SP200 agg of .2641, Dan shooting the only other .2 with a nice .2970, I was 3rd at .3215. Did I mention the conditions were a little rough? The last few targets it was hard to make out the rings or your bullet holes,
one of those days where if the black blob keeps getting darker you should be good!
The Sporter 100/200 Grand Agg was won by Steve with a .2981, Dan 2nd with a .3123, I was a distant 3rd at .3661.
The LV 100/200 Grand Agg was won by me with a .3084, Steve 2nd with a .3322, Dan 3rd at .3433.
The 2-GUN SPT/LV was taken by Steve Epstien at .3152, Dan Lutke 2nd at .3278, I finished 3rd with a .3373.
Thanks to all of those who helped with the frame setup and tear down, Steve and Bill for running the targets back and forth,
and thanks to everyone who came out to participate in this annual event to honor the memory of the man who made everything
possible for us to have a great place to shoot BR just because that's who he was and what he did!
Hope to see everyone next month for the second half which will be HV/UNL.
As Bob would say "Glad to see ya made it!" God I miss him!!
A few old pics of Bob
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