550 Yard Group/Score Match, South East Ohio, Saturday, November 8, 2008


New member
The next match for the South East Ohio 550Yd range will be Saturday, November 8, 2008, Weather permitting. This will be our last match for 2008. The date has been changed from the November 1 date that was on the schedule I posted on June 29 due to several shooters not being able to make the November 1 date. At our October 11 shoot, several in attendance said they would not be able to shoot on November 1. After some discussion, the decision was made with agreement by all in attendance to change the date to November 8. We had a similar situation occur for our October shoot. At our September 27 shoot, several shooters indicated they would not make our October shoot if we left it scheduled for October 18 because that is the start of deer bow season in WVa. Therefore, at the end of the shoot we announced that we would have the October shoot one week earlier on October 11. The revised date was posted on this forum on October 2.

Location: 10 Miles North of Gallipolis, Ohio on State Route 141.

- 2 Matches (3rd match will be held if interest and time to complete)
- Entry Fee $12 per Match
- Practice Time Begins: 8:00a.m.
- Start Time: 10:30a.m. (Start time may be later depending on weather conditions)
- 1 target per match (600 yard IBS) 5 shots, win by group or score, but if win
in both you only win group. Will also be doing closest to center.
- 7 minute time limit. Unlimited sighters.

- No weight limits on guns, Muzzle breaks allowed
- No alcoholic beverages allowed
- No bolts in guns allowed until command is given
- Bring your own food and drink (pop, water, etc.)
- Any questions, please call:
Don Whitlock - 740-645-1265
Francis Dunlap - 304-675-2201