52C parts needed



I am looking for a magazine catch and catch spring for my 52C.
Does anyone have one or no were I can get one?

I tried them. They had everything I need but the catch and spring.

Thank you.
May have it..

I may have what you're looking for -- magazine well, etc. with spring loaded catch. If you can e-mail me a drawing or picture... Otherwise I'll try to get a photo or two for you to inspect. wkerns@elmore.rr.com
I need a C,D or E bolt , got a killer 104122 serial # C action /bar from CMP ,got everything but the bolt,Thanks WJC 770-748-2732 or <muffin403@bellsouth.net>
Try Out Back Gun Parts

If you are still looking for parts you might want to try Wendell at Out Back Gun Parts. His number is (812) 945-0480. He doesn't have a website or e-mail that I know of. I have not talked with him for a couple of years, but he used to have a pretty good inventory of 52 and other older gun parts.