52 WINCHESTER range report


Red Grizzly

Howdy ya'll

This is my second post on this forum. I liked what I seen so I decided to jump in. This is my latest project.

I took off to the range this morning about 37 degrees outside nice cool morning with no wind I took a pack of 8 inch "SHOOTNC" targets and a "RED GRIZZLY" target and a brick of FEDERAL 22lrs.

I started out with a 25 yard zero and was tring to get use to the new sight picture.


You can see my groups in succession from 1 to 5.

After that I moved to 50 yards and fired 10 rounds


Then 100 with 20 rounds


Then 150 with 15 rounds (some of the marks you see on the "SHOOTNC" is from the bullet hitting the ground infront of the target)


I had a little bit of trouble finding the sweet spot on the sight picture as you can tell from the groups HIGH at 100 and LOW at 150

Then I went to 200 and this was what I was iching to see if I could with IRON sights put rounds on paper with a .22lr....


7 out of 10 aint bad...the best part about it? it can only get better...


Your Latest project is a worthy one.....

Grizz, you'll find a large percentage who post here are very serious benchrest afficianados with some very serious{read expensive} equipment. However there are lurkers such as myself that are seriously into vintage....like me.
Your very nice Winchester will give you much better results when the weather warms,,,seems the .22 rimfire just doesn't start to shine till its 70 degrees, I might point out that your groups could be easily halved in size by some better ammo. Not necessarily $10 a box Ely but try some Wolf match target and you won't believe you're using the same rifle. I envied your targets as I can now only shoot with a globe front sight.
Always pleased to see pics of a nice Win 52 thanks for posting.
Then I went back and looked....

I went back over your post and saw 200 yd targets. Very ballsy and well done
Thank you SIR

I wanted to join this forum to just poke around and see what benchrest is about. I have always shot standing, sitting, and prone.

I like my battlerifles:D

We all have to cross the fence every now and again just to see what is going on, on the other side.

I promise I will not stick my nose where it dont belong:)

I had seen some post here about the Win 52, and seeing I am trying to learn more about the 22lr (since ammo prices have hit the roof) and the Win 52 I am grateful to you all for your info.
Win 52s

The other side of the fence...well as you mention it I'm about to do that very thing.Like you I'm vintage fan and will be mounting a Lyman Targetspot onto one of my beloved 52s and go to a bench rest match {I've always been a smallbore prone man}
Will my 52 be competitive amongst these gentlemen?? not on your life....but it will give me a score of my own to beat next time and a day basking in the joy of shooting and the company of like minds...
Don't concern yourself about putting your nose where it don't belong....it belongs