5010 Powder????


david dumas

I was at a auction last week, lots of reloading supply's and bought 15 one lb cans of Hodgdon powder, 3)4831SC,,2)414,,3)4895,2)335,2)varget,3)Titegroup, 8lb jug of IMR 4895,8 lb of WWC846 and a 8lb jug of 5010,,,, my question,,, 5010 is a military surplus powder for use in the 50 BMG, who made it, whats the burn rate, will it match up to any data or who has data for this in anything other that a 50BMG?? or do I have a 8 lb $5.00 jug of firecracker powder???

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

it is a current milsurplus powder. gi used in 8 different 50 bmg loads. it is available from several milsurplus stores.
the castboolit place is a good place...it is of course mostly cast boolit(bullet) shooting.
if i read the post right ...you bought 8lbs of 4895 and 846 for 5 bucks each ?? ohhh you struck gold!
mike in co
8 Lbs of IMR4895 was $40.00 the other 2 5lb jugs where $5.00 each,, also bought 1000 40cal/10mm FMJ & all the other powder for total $160.00,,, all sealed unopened jugs,,,,,,,yep,,,, it was like finding gold,,,,,,,stonewall,,, Thanks for the link,,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

i had to join your club....i just picked up a mix of primers.....34,000.
all current , no old stuff..nice mix.


yes eight us dollars per thousand.....

mike in co
stonewall, mike,,,,,,Thanks

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,
