500m Flyshooting Competition Hot in OZ.....



G'Day fellow bench rest shooters i would like to invite you to have a look at my flyshooting site www.500mflyshooter.com.au and see what we are up to at 500 metre competition it has been running for a couple of years now.

On an average we are getting 80 plus to the Nationals and over 50 to round shoots in the different states of Australia and growing.

I would also welcome any of you who would like to post on the forum we have simple rules photo and real name which makes us a little different but we don't get any people making poor comments this way.

A great friend of mine Murray Hicks did a recorded interview about this style of shooting on 6BR.com about a year ago i think.

Recently i put a thread on here about load for a 300 ackley and received lots of great help from shooters off this forum and i think that folks may be able to help each other out on my forums. So if you would like to see what flyshooting is all about then please check out the site.

The Australian Records for light and heavy gun are also on the site as well as the shooter of the year competition.....

cheers and good shooting to all