50/50 & FUN-fire in San Angelo

Bill Wynne

Active member
San Angelo Gun Club
Saturday, April 3, 2010

This was one of the best days ever for a 50/50 match at our club. At 10 AM it was sunny, the temperature was 57º, and the wind was from the SW at 3 miles per hour. By noon it was 71º with a light breeze. The day was surely a day for shooting. Check out the top score on UL 1. That was my first 250 in regular competition. It doesn't matter how many matches has it taken to get that one? It was worth it.

Bill Wynne, Dan Batko, Donald Prine, James Spill, and Steve Keim shot 50/50. At the same time J.D. Dennis, Jan Sedivy, and Brett Johnson shot the FUN-fire target.

This was Britt's first time to shoot with us and I am sure it will not be his last. He has a very good shooting CZ 452 Varmint with a 12 power scope. It is the same rifle that he uses for silhouettes. Britt also uses the CZ for Bobcats out on his ranch. Beware of the man with one gun, he may know how to use it.

Jan used his Annie and J.D. Used a like new vintage 40X with no visible moderations to set the high standard. Two 250s trailed by one 249. 749 with 24 Xs may be a high score for a long time and he used SK ammo.

UL 1 UL 2 UL 3
Shooter Score X's Score X's Score X's
Bill Wynne 250 16 243 6 243 14
Dan Batko 248 13 247 8 247 9
Donald Prine 241 10 239 4 237 8
James Spill 240 10 238 7 243 8
Steve Keim 240 5 238 7 246 7

FUN-fire 1 FUN-fire 2 FUN-fire 3
Shooter Score X's Score X's Score X's
J. D. Dennis 250 12 250 9 249 3
Jan Sedivy 244 4 239 2 239 2
Brett Johnson 246 6 240 2 243 8
congratualtion bill

Congratulations on the 250 score, you see I was right, you are an expert and we are all learning more all the time.
Congratulations on the 250 score, you see I was right, you are an expert and we are all learning more all the time.

Expert eh! Well, I was told a long time ago that an expert was an ex and a pert. Ex being a has been and pert being a drip under pressure.

What the heck, I am going work on my next 250.:)

Concho Bill