5/28 Results From Pinnacle Mtn.


Dave Shattuck

It’s now Officially OVER! The series of Qualifying Rounds for 2011 up on Pinnacle Mountain have concluded!

Saturday morning started out a bit on the damp side as for the first hour plus we were either setting up, or shooting in almost fog-like conditions very much resembling a heavy drizzle, with almost, but not quite, calm breezes. If only that had continued throughout the entire day we would have all been smiling! But, things always tend to change, and today was no exception.

By the time we started shooting the second set of targets the sun was threatening to come out and the breezes had picked up to being a little more pesky, and patience testing, even though they still remained less than usual for Pinnacle. Oh, and did I forget to mention the mosquitoes? These guys were the biggest flying bloodsuckers I have ever seen in my life, bar none, with numbers that could suck you dry within minutes if you didn’t use bug spray. Because of these guys we weren't even really aware of the Black Flies even though they were out there in full number. Go Figure!

I don’t know if it was because of the holiday weekend, the predicted heat and humidity, which by the way never happened, or if nobody really cared, but there were just four of us who were trying to better our positions, and we all improved ourselves in one way or another. Of the four, I was the only one contesting both LV and HV-B as everyone else had come to shoot only HV-B. So, as to who did what?

Dave Shattuck
Target 1: 240-5X
Target 2: 245-12X
Target 3: 244-6X
Aggregate: 729-23X, bettering my previous high of 713-12X

Dave Shattuck
Target 4: 241-3X
Target 5: 243-10X
Target 6: 239-6X
Aggregate: 723-19X

Dan Brown
Target 1: 246-9X
Target 2: 246-7X
Target 3: 247-14X
Aggregate: 739-30X, bettering his previous high of 737-25X
Target 4: 244-3X
Target 5: 245-7X
Target 6: 242-7X
Aggregate: 731-17X

Paul Bendix
Target 1: 246-7X
Target 2: 246-7X
Target 3: 245-9X
Aggregate: 737-23X, bettering his previous high of 730-14X
Target 4: 245-7X
Target 5: 239-9X
Target 6: 237-9X
Aggregate: 721-25X

Daniel Finney
Target 1: 244-8X
Target 2: 243-9X
Target 3: 239-5X
Aggregate: 726-22X, bettering his previous high of 717-9X
Target 4: 239-5X
Target 5: 232-1X
Target 6: 235-4X
Aggregate: 706-10X

That’s a wrap from up here on the Mountain, and I’m still hoping to be able to come to So. Carolina once the final tally has been taken to meet those others of you who will also be making the trip.

Dave Shattuck
Thanks for running the matches Dave.
When I arrived at the range I thought I saw a swarm of mayflies at the firing line, turns out they were mosquitoes. Honesty they were the largest and most numerous that I've ever seen. The bug spray worked well though.
I thoroughly enjoyed shooting the qualifying airgun benchrest matches you ran this Winter/ Spring. Even the snow and -20 degree temp were fun.

When you anounced you were taking a couple of years off as Pinnacle Mountain Match Director at the end of last season. I didn't think I would be shooting at Pinnacle for awhile.

Then when at our indoor shoots at Holbrook you came up with 8 winter shoots at Pinnacle.

We did get 6 of the matches in with no flooding!

I hope after the Worlds we keep shooting matches or even postal matches. I hope to make the cuts and meeting everyone in S.C. the end of July. It's been a great 6 months.


Congrats to all of you, those are some great scores to end on. Thank You for posting the scores and all the photos you folks shared with us these past months. Dave, I enjoy reading your posts, and wish you gents success at the Worlds.

Nice shooting! You guys have worked hard to get those scores.
Good Job
It was nice to meet some of you . I hope we can all get together to shoot in the nixed 2 month be for Worlds . Rick