5-28-11 Camillus IR 50/50 and some changes.



Camillus Sportsmens Club will begin the 50/50 season on 5/28.
We have a few changes this year which I hope will encourage new shooters to join us.
First the entry fee; We will be charging 4.00 per target/ 12.00 per match. Thus the 3 Gun and Unlimited matches will cost a total of 24.00. There will be no prize money handed out this year. Pins will be awarded to the first place shooter in each class. Due to constraints on range time we will be completing our matches as close to noon as possible. We will shoot the 3 Gun at 9:00 am then move on to the Unlimited.
Camillus will not be providing lunch this year. The expense of the food and always having much more food on hand with out knowing shooter numbers has become cost prohibitive ( as well as wasteful ). I will provide bagles and donuts to snack on.

I truly hope that being able to shoot at a much reduced cost and getting back to Saturday chores earlier in the day will attract many new faces.

Hope to see you in 2 weeks!
So 96 people have read this and no one has anything to say?
Go figure!
Steve: I doubt you posted the original seeking comments as much as letting your "regular" shooters know of your changes.

Since you seem to want comments; I'll tell you why I'm not coming up. No offense and I have nothing against your range. I'd love to be there. But for me to show up I would have to drive 372 miles one way. It is not the entry fee and no money back that keeps me away, and no lunch sure is not going to make a difference:

Gas = $141
hotel = $100
meals/misc = $50
ammo for the match = $60
Entry fee = $24
Total = $375, or $62.50 per card shot.

I have to pick my places to shoot. We all do. The nearest IR50 3 gun match for me is about a 4 hour drive one way; the nearest ARA target is at Factoryville, just a few miles south of you, so for me $60 per card is about normal. Just an example of why perhaps you have not received a deluge of "new" shooters wanting to come because you reduced the target cost a bit. Here is hoping your attendance goes way up this year. Again, sorry I'm not going to make it up. bob