5/15 Southampton, MA 3-Gun / UL Results



The morning 3-gun tested everyone's skills with gusty and switching winds, but Al Hadfield showed his skills winning all three targets and claiming the first 250 shot at the Easthampton Fish & Game club in the 13.5.

Al Hadfield 246 - 4X
Pete Roberson 245 - X
Dave Shattuck 239 - 5X
Penny Hadfield 229 - 6X
Walt Tarka 219 - 2X
Doug Shea 217 - 3X
Victor Strycharz 118 - 1X

Al Hadfield 249 - 15X
Penny Hadfield 246 - 7X
Pete Roberson 243 - 12X
Walt Tarka 242 - 5X
Don Barrett 238 - 7X
Doug Shea 237 - 5X
Dave Shattuck 235 - 3X
Victor Strycharz 131 - 0X

Al Hadfield 250 - 18X
Doug Shea 244 - 11X
Penny Hadfield 244 - 8X
Walt Tarka 238 - 12X
Pete Roberson 238 - 3X
Don Barrett 237 - 8X
Dave Shattuck 236 - 8X
Victor Strycharz 205 - 1X

Penny and Al battled each other in the UL match, pushing the UL2 to be decided on the first miss.

Penny Hadfield 249 - 14X
Al Hadfield 247 - 9X
Doug Shea 245 - 11X
Pete Roberson 243 - 7X
Don Barrett 240 - 6X
Dave Shattuck 238 - 8X
Walt Tarka 233 - 4X

Penny Hadfield 248 - 10X
Al Hadfield 248 - 10X
Pete Roberson 246 - 10X
Doug Shea 246 - 9X
Dave Shattuck 246 - 9X
Walt Tarka 240 - 5X

Al Hadfield 248 - 14X
Penny Hadfield 246 - 11X
Pete Roberson 243 - 10X
Doug Shea 240 - 12X
Walt Tarka 240 - 8X
Dave Shattuck 231 - 5X

Welcome to new shooter Victor Strycharz ... hope you'll join us again.
Pete, thanks again for the help with scoring.

Looks like the Al and Penny show!:D Congratulations on some fine scores. Didn't Michael Gallant show up???? I didn't see his name on the results.:confused:

Hi Michael,

WOW! That was fast in getting the results posted. Good work! And good work in getting Easthampton off to a great start. We are looking forward to many fun matches at Easthampton.

We all earned every point we scored today, that wind was about as switchy as it gets.I got lucky

We am going to crash early tonight but tomorrow we will get some of the pictures we took posted.

Ken, I think Michale was a bit under the weather today and chose not to shoot. He ran a great match and fed us all very well.

Thanks again Michael, Al & Penny

After a good nights sleep here are a few pictures...

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Thank you for a well run match I had a great time and I would like to thank Paul for the use of his guns now I'm truly spoiled.
Congratulation's Al great shooting. :)
Michael, Thanks for posting the scores and running the match. Too bad you didn't feel good enough to shoot.:(
Al Pete and David great sporter scores. Congradulations AL on the first 250 at Southampton. I am looking forward to my first match at Southampton and meeting Walt and Victor. Doug you did well with the Turbo and Sako.
Great shooting everyone:) Penny and Al great Unlimited match.
David what gun did you shoot on UL 2?

Thanks for becoming a Range Master and taking on the duties. It's too bad you had to find out right from the get-go that becoming one means being there whether you feel like it or not. But, there's always next match.

Yes, the Hadfield's sure did control the day! It was obvious right from the beginning that there would be no 250's shot on this day as the winds were brutally blowing in, out, and every which way at between 25 and 35 while also blowing around and through a maze of 20 foot high range obstructions stratigically placed along our firing lanes for safety reasons. But, what do I know as Al and Penny sure did seem to have things under control the whole day through, that's for sure!

I do wish that Al had taken a few pictures of those barriers though as they made his old ~Hole in the Wall~ range only look modestly challenging. Maybe that is why he and Penny did so well though as they are use to practicing under less than ideal conditions. Although, all in all I think most of us feel that under a normally challenging day with only moderate breezes, this could turn out to be a real (to use Al's words) "Honey Hole" to shoot at.


I used the Suhl for the two Heavy Gun targets, then returned home to an Old Friend and shot the 40X for all 3 UL targets. Thanks for letting me borrow it. Trouble is, now I have to give it back. Because of using it though I did find a couple of areas I need to address on my Suhl, like the trigger. Oh, and I'd better remember to return the tuner to your setting as that was the one thing I did change before shooting that second Unlimited target. But, Al Joly showed us your setting was okay, if not better, when he shot his 250 at Holbrook, so back it goes.

Dave Shattuck