40X Heavy Barrel Aftermarket Stocks



Any suggestions for aftermarket stocks for a 40x with a heavy barrel? Anyone use a HS Precision stock, and if so which model? I'm new to this and would appreciate any input. Thanks.
don stith makes a great stock. they are wood, but are every bit as nice as anything else you could buy when they are bedded right.
HS Precision

I had the pleasure of shooting a 40x with a HSpresion benchrest stock on it yesterday at an indoor benchrest match. I don't know what model it was but it was a synthetic model with the flat for end. It seemed to track fine in the bags that I was using. Other than that I'm not much help.
The Gun belonged to Richard Gorham of Okla. He had just put the gun together with a Shilen Octogon barrel. And If I had had some better ammo and some now eyes there is no telling what my scores would have been.
Larry Burchfield
I can vouch for Stith stocks one of my 40x is set up and it rides the bags well. I have one of the jtr stocks being bedded, it looks good and should also ride good in the bags.

i can testify to don s stocks. sent mine to tom meridith for bedding and it shoots great.

don doesnt picture it but he has one cut out on the edge design it looks fantastic.

good luck

I had heard that H-S Precision had employed Lon Horiuchi, the guy who shot Vicky Weaver. At the SHOT show last week I confirmed it through HS. I won't deal with them. Don Stith is a member/ participant here and markets an excellent product and I'll hazard a guess that he's never shot a woman holding an infant. He deserves our support.