40X FP spring removal tool



Is there a tool that will compress the firing pin spring to change it out to fit a 40X rimfire bolt, or will the regular CF tool work?
Will the bolt on the Kleinendorst FP tool clear the offset rimfire firing pin?
Is the tool bolt hollow?
i use these two.
no problem.
i bought a new firing pin and spring from pt&g, dave kiff's a good guy to
talk too. i shortened and trimmed it according to the calfee article it
turned out very well. i'm glad i had the tools we took it apart about 5 times
till we got it just right. if i had to do it again i would buy the firing pin guage
to use too. http://www.midwayusa.com/viewproduct/?productnumber=515390
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Are? you're talking about compressing the spring to remove the cocking piece and spring.
I have a Menck firing pin removal too for a 700 Rem. It ahs the hole in the compression bolt like a Kleindorst. What I did was make a pin that fit into the hole in the tool, I think it was 3/16" or so and had a shoulder, Think about a nail with a head in the middle. The head is the shoulder in the center of the pin, fits against the bolt in the tool and keeps it from deflecting, then I tapered the pin that pushed against the firing pin body just enough so it missed the firing pin when it pushed against the firing pin body, and of couse it's about 50/1000ths longer than the firing pin. I made mine from a grade 8 bolt so it would be stiff and rigid. A friend of mine has a Kleindorst tool set up the same way and it works fine.
*Trying to use one of the tools unmodified is a sure way to break a firing pin, as you probably already know.
Thanks guys,, I haven't taken one apart yet so, no damaged FP.
Kent, that's the info I was looking for, will order one later today.
Ken S
Here are the tools I use for the 40x, pics not too hot but the white delrin adapter is what I made to adapt the Sinclair centerfire spring compressor tool to the rimfire bolt. Seems to work well. :D




