40 X firing pin travel


New member
How is the travel of firing pin adjusted......It only makes a small indentiation.
Any info would be helpful. If something simple O K if not to a competent
There is no simple adjustment to travel on a 40X. A light indentation
can be many things on a 40X. Is this a rimfire or centerfire. ?
If the firing pin hasn't been modified, about the only thing that will reduce firing pin travel is something between the dry fire stop on the firing pin and its abutment inside the bolt body. If a primer has ever blanked and the piece of primer cup blown back into the bolt it could have gotten back to where it's causing your problem. If that's the case it was likely causing other problems that weren't identified as well.

If you know how to remove the firing pin from a Rem 700 bolt you can remove the 40X firing pin and tap the rear of the bolt body on a piece of paper to collect any "goodies" that might fall out. If no little metal bits come out hose the interior of the bolt body down with brake cleaner or contact cleaner - preferably outdoors.

The firing pin spring could be broken too, but that would be very unusual.

Otherwise take it to a gunsmith.
40 X rimfire

Thanks for the help....will check stop if not a simple fix(for me) will be a real gunsmith job............Thanks again
Clean it

Oil and dirt seem to migrate to the interior parts of the bolt. This will gum up the works and slow down the FP. Also this junk will cause the pin to stop way too soon.