30X47 Rogue?


Can anyone tell me what this chambering is based off of? Have a new PTG reamer in my hand with 30X47 Rogue on it.
Can anyone tell me what this chambering is based off of? Have a new PTG reamer in my hand with 30X47 Rogue on it.

Someone here can probably tell you what it is based on but if you don't have a reamer print for it, get the number off the reamer, call PTG and have them email you a print for the reamer you have. I wouldn't chamber anything without looking at the print for the reamer I was using.

I did email PTG and haven't gotten a reply yet (it's been a week), so I thought I'd ask around... I'll have to take a look at the reamer again and make note of the # and call them about it.

If you have the reamer in hand you should be able to come close to an ID of the parent case. Most likely the basic 308W but the designer could have specified many cases as parent. 308, 300 SAV, 250 SAV, 22-250, etc. The reamer print could specify the particular case that he had in mind or it may not say anything at all.

It could be based on one of the fat cases also. A few simple measurements would tell you.

UPDATE - I just noted a wildcat in my collection called the 6.5 Rogue. Based on the WSM case. Maybe there's a clue there???

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The 30X47 Rouqe is a Dan Dowling creation and is one of the many Hunter Benchrest cases in this capacity range. A local shooter has one that Dan built for him...I worked with him neck turning cases for it and I believe he was using Lapua 308W cases as the parent case. Dave Kiff (PTG) did the reamer, I believe. Dan has an entire line of 'Rouqe' cases in different calibers.

Hope this helps. -Al
Thanks Al,
That was the kind of info I was looking for...still didn't get a reply from PTG, but I know what I'm looking at anyway.
To my understanding, when it has Rogue in the reamer name it's for a 37 degree shoulder. I have a 6 PPC Rogue that is the same as a PPC except for a 37 degree shoulder. Doesn't shoot any better or any worse than a straight 6 PPC, just costs more for dies.
To my understanding, when it has Rogue in the reamer name it's for a 37 degree shoulder. I have a 6 PPC Rogue that is the same as a PPC except for a 37 degree shoulder. Doesn't shoot any better or any worse than a straight 6 PPC, just costs more for dies.

Mike, I believe you're correct. The 30X47 Roque I mentioned does in fact have a 37 degee shoulder.
I had Hornady make a full length bushing size die for my 6 PPC Rogue. Cost was around $95 which was less than buying a resize reamer. A neck size die made with the finish reamer will work until the brass gets tight, then you'll either need a full length die or new brass.