300 WM gauges



Ive not yet ever chambered a 300 Win mag. I have the reamer and the gauges. The gauges I got are the short belt gauges. Ive been doing a bit of research lately that leads me to believe that I shouldnt use these but instead use shoulder headspace gauges. I havent seen these on sale anywhere. Any advice on this. Where can I get the full size gauges that measures the shoulder rather than the belt or am I reading incorrectly into this.
I think what some my be confused about is reloading, not chambering. When full length sizing it is common to bump the shoulder back only a thou or two to help preserve the brass. If you reload and resize your brass to the minimum the die will allow, it will overwork the brass and produce much more clearance than necessary. When chambering, use the proper gauge and try to keep it to the minimum for a belted mag because it is considerably larger than any rim you will find.
Maybe thats what Ive been reading and mixing up the difference between loading and chambering. So there is'nt such thing as a headspace gauge that gauges from the shoulder ?.