30 BR?? Why Not 7 BR - where it all started?


New member
Orrrrrr, the 6.5 BR? Looking at the BC's of the 120 gr range (trying to dup what the 30BR boyz are shooting) it would SEEM that that would be mo' bettah. I know it takes some heavy hitters to campaign a chambering to make it popular, but the few thousandths available extra for score shooting from a 7mm just doesn't seem like it would wash away a 30% BC improvement....?

If the case volume ratio is more perfect with the .30, then why not shorten .050" or .100" for the 6.5 or 7?

What'cha all think? I be curious.
Orrrrrr, the 6.5 BR? Looking at the BC's of the 120 gr range (trying to dup what the 30BR boyz are shooting) it would SEEM that that would be mo' bettah. I know it takes some heavy hitters to campaign a chambering to make it popular, but the few thousandths available extra for score shooting from a 7mm just doesn't seem like it would wash away a 30% BC improvement....?

If the case volume ratio is more perfect with the .30, then why not shorten .050" or .100" for the 6.5 or 7?

What'cha all think? I be curious.

superb .30 cal bullets...and because the 30BR is super accurate and cuts a bigger hole in the score target.
Orrrrrr, the 6.5 BR? Looking at the BC's of the 120 gr range (trying to dup what the 30BR boyz are shooting) it would SEEM that that would be mo' bettah. I know it takes some heavy hitters to campaign a chambering to make it popular, but the few thousandths available extra for score shooting from a 7mm just doesn't seem like it would wash away a 30% BC improvement....?

If the case volume ratio is more perfect with the .30, then why not shorten .050" or .100" for the 6.5 or 7?

What'cha all think? I be curious.

Poor selection of bullets , actually if you could make some great .357 Jacketed Rifle bullets with a weight say under 135 Gr a lot of people myself included will be trying out a 35 BR. Its a Score shooting thing the bigger the hole you can accurately make the more advantage you have.

Orrrrrr, the 6.5 BR? Looking at the BC's of the 120 gr range (trying to dup what the 30BR boyz are shooting) it would SEEM that that would be mo' bettah. I know it takes some heavy hitters to campaign a chambering to make it popular, but the few thousandths available extra for score shooting from a 7mm just doesn't seem like it would wash away a 30% BC improvement....?

If the case volume ratio is more perfect with the .30, then why not shorten .050" or .100" for the 6.5 or 7?

What'cha all think? I be curious.

In addition to lack of bullets, BC is all but meaningless in short range BR.
in score it's all about size, the bigger the hole the better

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,

Why invest bux in a quality rifle that makes a smaller hole in a Score target. Besides there is a decided lack of benchrest quality 7mm bullets in point blank weights.

Mike Swartz
30 br why not 7br

Go for it. No reaason at all . Now get a good set of dies to make bullets.
I'm sure J4 can help out. bullets are the problem.
OK, on to Phase II: I'll call this, for sake of argument, the Devil's Advocate Stage

First off, allow me to say that the following is to the best of my memory....and she ain't what she used to be and I am a rank wannabe at any form of bench shooting, OK:

For my personal knowledge, who is making sub 130gr match qual pills for .3?

Way back when (Handgun Silhouette when the 7 BR was spawned) weren't there more 7mm match grade pills w/i a few years? Aren't there more 6.5 & 7's now than sub 125gr .30 cals that you'd call quality?

I understand that BC at point blank is less of a factor, but thinking abt 2-300 yd application.....less flight time, less ability for wind to affect, yada yada.

I certainly understand the larger, accurate hole concept, but would think that potentially the .020" dia (.010" radius) benefit is slicing the argument a bit thin on the 7mm. Yeah, I've looked at score tgts with the .3 holes in them and they DO look like garbage can lids.......!! But in reality, I am questioning what is given up for dia sake?

Another question: What were the pills used when the 30BR made it's big splash 4 or so years ago? Didn't the success precede the design and supply as, I guess, it usually does in the exploring out of the current box adventures?
Or is it like bass fishing..........if someone tears them up with a chartreuse, split tail wiggle waggle, word gets out and all the fish have to choose from for the next month is, yes, a Chartreuse Wiggle Waggle with split tail? Probably a bit of all of the above.

As Gerry said, all I need to do is get some dies, and I'll add, have Dave Kiff womp me up several reamers and have at it..........;) Problem is I'd have to have someone with an extreme abundance of skill to campaign - when I show up at the wailing wall, no one knows I am there except for the, well, wailing.

As far as a .35 cal offering, how accurate could one be that is as wide as it is long???? Or was that more tongue and cheek?

Found out that the Fowler equipment is now residing in my local area. Will be bouncing ideas off the new owner if for nothing else than a mental exercise
in critical thinking. But, nothing beats doing, for sure.

Just one of life's little shooting mysteries in my mind. Still welcome all comments. I love to hear ideas and learn as I sift thru.

Cheers to All.
30Br vs 7BR

Experimentation is the word. That;s how the 30 BR came about. also PPC etc. My long time Friend Tony varengo do a lot with the 7mm.
His case was based on the 225 winchester necked up to 7mm. That was back in 1973 or so. He really did pretty well with it considering the times.
He shot that long heavy match bullet at short range. it was somewhere in the 160 plus weight. We see lots of good things happening with the br today, Long throat and 6mm 105 gr bullets is one example.
Some amazing groups and scores have been shot lately with the BR case.
More certainly will be done.
Now as to bullets. you can make your own and not be stuck with one weight. David Detsch can make a point die long enough to make several weight bullets. Do your home work first. twist and weight along with the proper lead on the cambering reamer. It would be really interesting to see how this would work out. If the 30 can shoot zero groups why not the 7mm?
Longer ranges could follow. Lets hear more from some of the experimenters. Dan Lilja sure could help along with some other barrel makers and reamer makers. David Kiff certainly knows his stuff'
Lets hear more on this. Pros cons etc' 6MMBr.com may have some information , it seems as though the varmint hunters are in the lead these days on experiments.
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I would rather buy the best scope available than spend the money on dies to make some new bullet. And a good set of windflags.
I work in the auto racing industry and I am always asked why we don't do this or that differently, or thay have some idea that will let us set the world on fire. For one thing, they are not aware of all the variables we have to contend with just to get to the finish line in the first place, much less get there before the other car.
The bottom line is that there usually is something better out there, but can you use it? Something like a VLD bullet has a much higher BC than any BR bullet, but if it won't stabilize long before it reaches the target, it doesn't matter how slick it is if the groups look like a kid throwing gravel. Or a cartridge that can fire at 5000fps would certainly cut through the wind, but the fouling would be so horrible you would run out of time on the bench cleaning it.
What we have and use are the best combination of compromises. And it is good enough that we aren't compromising very much.
30br vs 7mm br

Yes you have a point but then we would be shooting the 308 or some other big case. A 308 with the right bullet certainly can win.
trying to go forward is what we have to do.