284Win vs 280 Rem/7x64



Hello to everyone.

I am new here and I want to apologize for my pure english.I live in Europe.I would be pleased if you could give me an advice.
I shoot long range matches in eastern Europe. I use the 6,5x55.
I would like to move to the 7mm cartridge, to be able to better compete against bigger calibers like 300WM. I do want to avoid really big 7mm cases like 7 SAUM or bigger, or Ackley versions. That is why I want to use 7x64(I have dies for it,since I reload for my friend)-7x64 is the almost twin to 280 Rem or I think also about 284Win. All have almost the same case capacity, but longer and narrower cases(7x64) would give me the advantage of magazine capacity 5cases inside instead of just 4 in my hybrid rifle. But 6,5 x55 which I own seems hard to me to achieve low velocity spread. Would velocity spread be lower with 284win compare to 28ORem/7x64 provided the same, let say quality cases would be used,but no neck turning because of itś fatter and shorter case..?? If yeas,how big would be the diference between the two? One more question-did anybody of you measured somehow the BC of the new 7mm 180gr Lapua Scenar bullet?
Thanks a lot for your help.